Black Rhino
Classification and Description Diceros bicornis Mammal Gray, 1,795 pounds, 60 inches. tall, 120 inches long Same
Biome Africa;Kenya,Tanzania Grasslands pounds food Does not migrate
Life Cycle 1 young, 2-5 years Protect young years wild, years captivity Herbivore
Adaptations Hook lip Mud baths Charges 35 mph Sharp horns
Reasons for Endangered Status Humans, Poaching Habitat loss-farming Hunted for horn Numbers declining from poaching
Conservation 5,000 Zoos-breeding programs Sanctuaries in national parks Donate money
Fun Facts Rhinoceros means nose horn 3 of 5 species are critically endangered Rhinos have thick protective skin Rhinos have hair on eyelashes, tail & ears
Resources Bass, Rick. Black Rhinos Namibia