What it is, where to find it, how to get it Linda Vong, Office of Graduate Studies September 15, 2010 UC San Diego Today’s Scholars, Tomorrow’s Leaders.


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What it is, where to find it, how to get it Linda Vong, Office of Graduate Studies September 15, 2010 UC San Diego Today’s Scholars, Tomorrow’s Leaders

Part of the Financial Support Unit Help navigate application procedures Act as a liaison between agency and student Act as a second (or third, or fourth…or seventh) pair of eyes for proposals -basic editing, grammatical errors, etc. Who I am and what I do

Departmental funding Some programs fund their students Applicants may receive an offer from department; can be a combination of many elements. Outside sources In the form of fellowships and grants from outside agencies Can include tuition, fees, stipend Types: research, training, travel, prize, dissertation Basics of graduate funding

Opportunities to allow graduate students to pursue their own research interests with funding unencumbered by institutional obligation (such as TAships, RAships) Competitive awards given to outstanding scholars based on the merit of a research proposal, as well as other relevant academic criteria (such as letters of recommendation, transcripts, etc.) Recognition for the development of a thoroughly presented, uniquely designed, intriguing, faculty-supported research project What are fellowships?

Most fellowships have lead time of months from application to award Current funding (10-11 academic year) was first advertised in spring 2009 For academic year 10-11, most deadlines have passed Start applying now for Fellowship Timeline

Training Grants Research Fellowships Travel General Scholarship Types of Fellowships

Opportunities for first and second year graduate students to work with a faculty mentor, usually in a laboratory, to develop skills for future research. May contain a travel element Fellowship Type: Training

The most common type of fellowship; usually intended for Ph.D. or other terminal degree candidates Support original research which may lead to a dissertation or other long-range project May include small stipends for travel, books, and supplies Examples: -Pacific Rim Research Grants -NIH, NSF, NASA, Smithsonian Fellowships, etc. Fellowship Type: Research

Very specialized awards which allow graduate students to pursue a semester or more abroad Often combined with another type of grant (i.e. research, training, or dissertation fellowships) Extremely competitive, with deadlines well in advance of actual awarding of grant Examples: -All Fulbright grants (full grant, Fulbright-Hays dissertation research) and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Fellowship Type: Travel

Typically awarded on the basis of past accomplishments and academic record General purpose: open to almost all subjects Highly selective, nationwide competitions Examples: -Dolores Zohrab Liebmann -National Hispanic Scholarship Foundation -Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships Fellowship Type: General Scholarship Award

1. Community of Science ( The Community of Science is the most comprehensive web database to locate fellowships and other research opportunities. UCSD is a member institution, so you do not need to be registered to utilize the funding opportunities database, but you do need to access it from an on-campus computer. Where to Find Fellowships

2. Grants.gov ( Grants.gov is the federal government’s central database for all grant-making agencies. Contains valuable resources about how to apply to specific agencies, including the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Institutes of Health, and the National Science Foundation. Where to find fellowships (cont.)

3. Research Affairs Funding Information Website (SURF) The information collected on this web site is taken from information sent to the university by organizations that sponsor fellowships. Since information on current cycles is sometimes received in as little as six weeks prior to the deadline date, please contact those agencies directly as soon as you decide you are interested for application materials.

4. OGS’s Graduate Funding Blog Updated frequently with funding opportunities, application advice, and administrative how-to guides Your favorite professor or faculty mentor and your graduate coordinator Where to find fellowships (cont.)

UCSD Graduate Fellowship Advisor After your SURF and Grants.gov searches, make an appointment with Linda Vong to discuss options and strategies, or to have your proposal edited at

Major National and UC Awards

Fulbright U.S. Student Program The IIE Fulbright U.S. Student Program equips American leaders with the skills they need to thrive in an increasingly global environment by providing funding for open academic year of study or research abroad. Grantees undertake self-designed programs in disciplines ranging from social sciences, business, communications and performing arts to physical sciences, engineering and education. The U.S. Student Program awarded approximately 6,000 grants in 2008 and currently operates in over 155 countries worldwide. Basic Eligibility Requirement Be a U.S. citizen & have a Bachelor’s Degree *Please note that OGS administers this award for UC San Diego.*

The ED Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) Fellowship Program provides opportunities for graduate students to engage in full-time dissertation research abroad for 6 to 12 months in modern foreign languages and area studies. Basic Eligibility Requirements Be a graduate student and a U.S. citizen, national or permanent resident of the U.S. Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship Program (Dept. of Ed.)

The Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program is designed to support graduate students of superior ability and financial need in doctoral or (terminal) MFA programs, as demonstrated by their achievements and promise. Awards are given in selected fields in the arts, humanities and social sciences. Basic Eligibility Requirements Individuals who are currently in their first year of graduate study or who will be entering a graduate program in Eligibility is further limited to U.S. citizens or nationals, and permanent residents of the U.S., who demonstrate financial need. Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program (US Dept. of Ed.)

Among the most competitive and generous fellowships in the sciences. Evidence of exceptional creativity, broad understanding of physical principles, and outstanding potential for innovative research is expected. For students in the applied physical sciences. Basic Eligibility Requirements U.S. citizens and permanent residents Hertz Foundation Fellowships

The SSRC sponsors fellowship and grant programs on a wide range of topics, and across many different career stages. Most support goes to pre-dissertation, dissertation, and postdoctoral fellowships, offered through annual competitions. Some programs support summer institutes and advanced research grants. Although most programs target the social sciences, many are also open to applicants from the humanities, the natural sciences, and relevant professional and practitioner communities. Social Science Research Council (SSRC)

The National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowships seek to ensure the vitality of the human resource base of science, mathematics, and engineering in the United States and to reinforce its diversity. These fellowships offer recognition and three years of support for advanced study to graduate students in the mathematical, physical, biological, engineering, and behavioral and social sciences, including the history of science and the philosophy of science, and to research-based PhD degrees in science education. Basic Eligibility Requirements Be a student in the early stages of graduate study in science, mathematics, or engineering and a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident of the U.S. NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (National Science Foundation)

Ruth L. Kirchstein Individual Predoctoral Fellowships (F31s and F32s) support training opportunities within one of several institutes within NIH. Applicants must have a sponsor, a sponsoring institution, and the time to pursue the research 40 hours each week. Graduate students apply individually and are awarded individually. Additional grants available to support minority candidates and/or candidates pursuing a dual Ph.D./MD (F30). National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Awarded in a national competition administered by the National Research Council (NRC) of the National Academies on behalf of the Ford Foundation. The awards will be made to individuals who, in the judgment of the review panels, have demonstrated superior academic achievement, are committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level, show promise of future achievement as scholars and teachers, and are well prepared to use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students. Basic Eligibility Requirements U.S. citizens who are enrolled or planning to enroll in an eligible research- based program and who are committed to teaching and research and the college or university level. Ford Foundation Predoctoral Diversity Fellowships

 UC Breast Cancer Research Program UC Breast Cancer Research Program  Pacific Rim Research Program Pacific Rim Research Program  UC Institute for Research in the Arts UCIRA UC Institute for Research in the Arts UCIRA  UC-MEXUS UC-MEXUS  Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program  University-wide AIDS Research Program University-wide AIDS Research Program  UC Humanities Research Institute UC Humanities Research Institute

Statement of purpose Two or three recommendation letters from faculty members or mentors Resume or CV (curriculum vitae) Official transcripts (both grad and undergrad) Budget (After you’ve received the fellowship) Update on progress/interim report Basic Fellowship Components

Agencies:Deadlines: Fulbright IIE September 13 & October 18 DoE DDRA Late October or early November Ford November DAAD Early to mid-November Pacific RimEarly January NIHApril, August, December Deadlines snapshot

A note about deadlines Some funding agencies require that you apply through your institution, which likely means that we (UCSD/OGS) have an internal deadline that may be much earlier than the national competition deadline. When in doubt, you can always check with me.

1. Start researching fellowships. Contact program officers, mentors, and professors. 2. Summer and early fall – compose fellowship applications, seek out graduate school resources, send in applications. 3. Winter – keep in contact with recommenders and fellowship programs What to do now

What to do now (cont.) 4. Next spring – keep track of fellowship dollars received and report to graduate school. 5. Start the process all over again. Graduate funding doesn’t end until you’ve left graduate school. 6. Keep an eye on your and the funding blog (for funding announcements that may pop up throughout the year).

Tips for success -Be concise and be clear. Don’t make the reviewer search for the “who, what, when, where, how and why.” -Formatting may seem like something you can get around – it’s not. -Keep in mind that you’re writing a persuasive piece, you have to make the reader feel like they NEED to fund you.

Tips for success -For travel grants: demonstrate evidence as to why your project needs to be carried out in the country you are proposing. There is a definite difference between NEED and WANT. The use of vague, general or broad terms in the proposal should be avoided.

Tools for success Dissertation writing: Grant writing tips: HHMI"Making the Right Moves" Chapter 9: Getting Funded ScienceCareers.org Grant Doctor articles NIH Grant Writing Tip Sheets Proposal Writing Websites collected by University of Wisconsin-Madison

Linda Vong Fellowship Advisor Office of Graduate Studies 412 Student Services Center, Fourth Floor (858)