ELGSA Educational Leadership Graduate Student Association
Meet your ELGSA Executive Board! President Jeremy Brown Vice President Bethany Meighan Secretary Andrea Hanselmann Treasurer Caroline Courter Advisor: Dr. Susan Catapano
The Purpose of ELGSA ELGSA’s purpose is to promote research, attendance at research conferences, and professional development opportunities for current and future master’s and doctoral students seeking a degree through the Educational Leadership Department. One objective of the ELGSA is to seek and provide funding to its members for research related activities. Any master’s or doctoral student enrolled in a degree program offered through the Educational Leadership Department is eligible for membership.
Review of Budget From Graduate Student Association (GSA), ELGSA was awarded $1,000 for the academic year. ELGSA will be utilizing this money in our socials, events, and of course travel grants! ELGSA can also fundraise to obtain more funding, so any ideas are welcome!
Travel and Conference Grants ELGSA will be awarding ELGSA graduate students with travel/conference grants throughout the semester. Students can also combine an ELGSA travel grant with a GSA or Graduate School travel grant. GSA travel grants are up to $250/student. Graduate School travel grants are awarded to those presenting at conferences for up to $400/student. A student is eligible for only one travel award per academic year. You may combine an ELGSA travel grant with either a GSA travel grant or Graduate School travel grant, but not both.
Other ELGSA Fall Meetings Tuesday, October 22nd Tuesday, November 26th All meetings are at 6 pm in EB 331