North Allegheny School District Student Activity Funds June 17, 2003
Overview Over the past year PASBO and the PDE have been working to develop new guidelines, policies and procedures for the Student Activity Funds. The new Student Activity Guide was published by PASBO in September. Updated Revised Reiterated The purpose of this informal meeting is to let you know what your responsibilities are.
Objective Implement the new Student Activity Guide’s policy and procedures for application in all North Allegheny School District Student Activity Funds. Distribution Materials: PASBO Guide Student Activity Fund Record Card
The Law Activity Funds are not the property of the School District. Funds are the property of the respective class, organization, club, society or group. Monies can not be expended from these funds without the express permission of the student. Remaining fund monies of inactive accounts must be distributed at the end of the year and not carried over into the following year.
The Law-Continued Funds that do not involve student activities must be separated and not commingled in the funds. These funds are considered School General Fund monies and should be handled accordingly. Correct authorizations and approvals should be included for all transactions. An annual record must be kept on file that includes: Faculty Advisor Date of Inception Purpose of Activity Student Officers Persons responsible for the transactions of the Activity Funds should have a good understanding of general bookkeeping and accounting knowledge.
Deposits and Expenditures Two signatures must appear on all checks. The Building Principal Signature must be on all checks. Appropriate signature cards must be on file with the Financial Institution. Three individuals may be on record. Deposits and expenditures Must be monitored by the students Must be authorized by the students All payments should be made by check or petty cash with proper substantiation. Account Balances must be monitored and kept in line with FDIC Guidelines.
Budget & Accounts A budget is required prior to fund-raising or revenue generating activities All monies must be deposited and spent out of the appropriate activity account. Monies cannot be commingled. Payment cannot be made out of the Activities that are not for that activity. Reimbursements are prohibited. Loans are prohibited. Negative balances are prohibited.
Building To Do List In order to fully understand the scope and breadth of the North Allegheny School District Student Activity Funds, each building will need to provide the following information to the Financial Services Department. Listing of all Activities Purpose # of Students involved Name of Faculty Advisors and Student Officers Listing of all Inactive Activities with Account Balances Date of Last Activity Known Account Balance history for the past three years Faculty Advisor (if Known)
Building To Do List-Continued Identification of non-student related accounts Balance of Fund Source of Revenues Type of Expenditures Proposal for dissolution of account Elimination of Negative Account Balances
Building To Do List-Continued Monthly Reporting-Including Elementary Schools Comply with monthly standardization of reporting to the Building Principals Comply with monthly standardization of reporting to the faculty advisors Comply with monthly standardization of reporting to the Business Office Quarterly reporting to the Superintendent- to be defined
In Conclusion We need to help identify non-compliance with our policies and procedures. Make corrections and implement new policies and procedures immediately. Our goal is to help ensure correct and fair Student Activity Guidelines for audits and accountability. Understand Building needs and work to address those needs in a professional and timely manner.