CAS Ratemaking Seminar Non Medical Professional Liability Pricing Stephen Kantor, FCAS, MAAA March 7, 2002
Fireman's Fund Interstate2 Data Issues Buried within Annual Statement Often controlled by producer Difficult to look at industry data Need specific filing information Impact from surplus lines
Fireman's Fund Interstate3 Typical Rating Factors Step rate Area of practice Size of firm State/Territory Claims history
Fireman's Fund Interstate4 Initial Pricing Often Shopped By Producer Has certain price in mind Based on current carrier Limited data available Based on Competitor Look at filings Read the market
Fireman's Fund Interstate5 On Going Pricing Premium and Loss Experience Sparse Green Volatile Can you combine with other programs? Can you compare to industry data?
Fireman's Fund Interstate6 Two Distinct Application Types Flat Price More complicated
Fireman's Fund Interstate7 Flat Priced One size fits all “Cash with APP” Application asks 4-5 questions which basically ask Is this a typical risk? Any claims? Often Association sponsored
Fireman's Fund Interstate8 Lawyers State/Territory Step rate Area of practice Size of Firm – number of lawyers Claims history Deductible Defense outside limit Other factors often built in to IRM
Fireman's Fund Interstate9 Lawyers Area of Practice % of PracticeCredit/Debit Entertainment % % Over % Real Estate % % % Over %
Fireman's Fund Interstate10 Lawyers Area of Practice % of PracticeCredit/Debit Litigation Defense % % Over % Litigation Plaintiff % % % % Over %
Fireman's Fund Interstate11 Lawyers Size of Firm Number of LawyersCredit 1-50% 6-105% % % % Over 2525%
Fireman's Fund Interstate12 Lawyers An Example Credit/Debit Area of PracticeLitigation Defense30%-15% Litigation Plaintiff40% +5% Real Estate15% +5% Other15% 0% Size of Firm12 Lawyers 10% Limit$1,000,000/$1,000, Deductible$5, Claims Experience1.15 Step Factor Step (Base Rate) X ( ) X (.95) X (1.10) X (1.15) X (1.40)
Fireman's Fund Interstate13 Real Estate E&O Based on Agency Revenue and Number of Licensed Agents Some States Mandatory Expect better experience Usually good experience data available No IRM The best realtors ask the right questions Loss only deductible work against insurers Claims often occur when agent represents both Buyer and Seller Mold is new claims issue – failure to disclose Discussions occurring on mold exclusion Still competitive marketplace
Fireman's Fund Interstate14 Massage Therapist Sponsored by AMTA Insurance is automatic – part of dues One size fits all Certification required for membership Few carriers
Fireman's Fund Interstate15 Non Profit D&O Based on Expense – how much $ Association takes in If expenditures > revenue Look for positive fund balance Endowment EPLI is important
Fireman's Fund Interstate16 Accountants Revenue based Risk management drive Accounting (Mark Cheffers - the Enron expert) Competitive market Suits for fees Shared office space Engagement and disengagement letters crucial
Fireman's Fund Interstate17 Accountants Areas of practice have expanded over past 5 years Financial planning Management advisory Elder care ( Financial and Healthcare) Consulting Has made underwriting more difficult Audits have greater exposure than bookkeeping
Fireman's Fund Interstate18 Accountants How will Enron affect the industry? Opinions vary More careful underwriting Audits used in SEC Filings Consulting And Auditing
Fireman's Fund Interstate19 Public Officials/Public Entities Population of city Tax revenues/Tax base Proximity to large cities Balance between revenue and expenses Power plants/libraries/school districts Lots of EPLI Competitive market
Fireman's Fund Interstate20 Teachers Rate is on Per Head Basis Completely Association driven Can cover “Failure to Educate” Will this be the next claims black hole? Covers extra curricular activities
Fireman's Fund Interstate21 Title Agents Billings/Revenue Several large Title Companies Mis-handling of Escrow Accounts - drives many claims
Fireman's Fund Interstate22 Cash with App Shorthand Reporters Association of Court Reporters Interior Designers Most claims either wrong fabric or the couch doesn’t fit
Fireman's Fund Interstate23 Convention Cancellations Rated on revenues expected to be raised Insurance covers the shortfall on revenues Became a big issue after 9/11