All students shall be reading on grade level by the end of second grade. Reading and Math proficiency shall increase a minimum of 5 percentage points from the previous year at all elementary and middle schools, unless proficiency is greater than or equal to 90% A minimum of a 5% increase on each EOC at all high schools unless proficiency is equal to or greater than 90% All schools shall achieve expected or high growth Writing proficiency shall increase a minimum of 5 percentage points from previous year at all high schools All schools shall be recognized as a School of Distinction or School of Excellence Attendance rate at all schools shall be equal to or greater than 95% Dropout rate at all high schools shall be equal to or less than 3% Dropout rate at all middle schools shall 0%
All schools meet all AYP target goals All student subgroups at all schools shall meet minimum AYP requirements A minimum standard of 90% satisfaction rating on every stakeholder survey question with a minimum return rate of 65% All employees will meet the standard of “progressing”, or “proficient”, or “at standard” as a minimum on their respective End of Year or State Evaluation. Schools shall meet all identified district facility safety standards as found in District Action Plan 2.1. A minimum combined reading and math SAT result of 1,000 or higher A minimum combined reading, math and writing SAT result of 1,500 or higher Graduation cohort rate equal to or greater than 80%, or a 2% increase over the previous year’s graduation cohort rate
FIXED ASSETS/Personnel New Personnel LSC’s Do so immediately Appropriate setting File Police Report if items are missing, stolen Inform Supt.
HOME BODIES Let me know when you are going to be “out”. Invariably Supt. will call when you are out. Reputation of not being at school, coming in late, leaving early.
-Professional Courageous Conversations -Needs to be done in private -Has to do with what you say and how you say it -Try to see what is coming around the corner
ATTENDANCE LETTERS Shall follow G.S. 115C-378 as stated in the handbook. Phone notification after 3 unexcused in K-8 and 3 unexcused in 9-12 each semester After the accumulation of not more than 6 unexcused the principal shall notify parent or guardian by mail. A letter will also be sent from the D.A. Plan of action developed to improve attendance. After 10, principal shall review with parent and student and may file a complaint with the D.A. Shall notify director of social services. May file a complaint with the juvenile intake counselor. Look at attendance in handbook respective to different grade levels. Discipline Report
Long Term Suspension Process Guardian must be notified the same day or no later than the end of the next day Make sure referral form is complete and copy is sent to Kirkman along with letter of recommendation to Supt. with cc to Kirkman within 24 hours of incident Kirkman letter to parent (certified) no later than 5 days upon receipt of principal recommendation Panel Hearing if requested by parent. Random schedule will be set for administrators to serve on panel hearings. Make sure you have all of your documentation for panel and Board Hearings. This must be accessible to parents also.
System Initiatives Shall be monitored (AR/AM) Will be reported out monthly at EOM Superintendent Expectations Dress Code Processes
Miscellaneous Returning phone calls and Teachers contacting parents ASAP regarding absences, academic performance. Include AP in curricula issues, meetings, etc. Not just discipline. Principal needs to be involved with discipline Field trips at the end of the year. 504’s and PEP’s
Misc. (cont.) Cross training NC Wise/Payroll/Bookkeeping Calendar Issues Evaluations (Admin. on same page) Sharing of AP’s, Secretaries, Bookkeepers Changes to NC Discipline Laws Verification of Student Addresses Accuracy of projected student numbers Principal “kicks off” all events Acknowledge Board Members
Misc. (cont Monitoring Instruction Daily Reassignments New Personnel Budget Cuts Reversions---$4.5 million million cuts Inappropriate Sites Curriculum Coaches All Coaches “ride the bus”