SHIP: Statewide Health Improvement Program Healthy Homes and Communities Convening The Depot, Minneapolis October 1, 2013
SHIP works to reduce chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes Through prevention to reduce the behaviors that lead to chronic disease What is SHIP?
Health in Minnesota Health Care Spending in Minnesota from All contributing to health care costs that are out of control
Keys to success Local control Strong partnerships Evidence-based strategies Sustainability Strong evaluation How SHIP Works
Strategies: Active living Healthy eating Tobacco-free living What and Where Settings: Child care Schools Worksites Health care Community
1 st Two Years July 2009-June 2011 Statewide effort All 87 MN counties and 9 of 11 tribal communities Hundreds of businesses, schools, non-profits, health care organizations and others involved Tribal Grantees Leech Lake with partners: Mille Lacs, Bois Forte, Grand Portage, White Earth, Fond du Lac, Red Lake Upper Sioux Lower Sioux
SHIP Results from 1 st Two Years
2 nd Two Years July 2011-June 2013 Reduced effort $15 million 70% cut No longer statewide 18 grantees funded in 55 counties and cities and one tribal community
Results from 2 nd Two Years
You will hear some success stories today Still analyzing the data Report will be published in early 2014 Results from 2 nd Two Years
3 rd Two Years July 2013-June 2015 Statewide effort $35 million Grant applications submitted August 2013 Grant awards to be announced October 2013 Funding begins November 2013
For More Information Chris Kimber Physical Activity and Nutrition Unit Supervisor