Water and the Atmosphere Chapter 4 Weather Review and Reinforce Lesson Quiz Answer Keys
Lesson 1 Water in the Atmosphere Review and Reinforce Worksheet 1. precipitation 2. evaporation 3. true 4. Relative humidity 5. true 6. the process by which liquid water changes to water vapor 7. a measure of the amount of water vapor in the air 8. an instrument consisting of two thermometers (one wet-bulb and one dry-bulb) and used for measuring relative humidity 9. the process by which water vapor becomes liquid water 10. a percentage comparing the amount of water vapor in the air to the maximum amount of water vapor the air can hold at a particular temperature
Lesson 1 Water in the Atmosphere Quiz 1. precipitation 3. condenses 5. 25 7. e 9. a 2. evaporation 4. less 6. c 8. b 10. d
Lesson 2 Clouds Review and Reinforce Worksheet 1. liquid water or ice crystals 2. cooling of the air and particles in the air 3. frost 4. Cumulonimbus 5. medium-level clouds that form in flat layers and cover the sky like stratus clouds but form at a higher altitude 6. clouds that form near the ground 7. b 9. d 8. a 10. c
Lesson 2 Clouds Quiz 1. D 3. A 5. cirrus 7. Stratus 9. condensation 2. B 4. C 6. thunderstorms 8. cumulus 10. fog
Lesson 3 Precipitation Review and Reinforce Worksheet 1. rain 2. raindrops that freeze into ice particles as they fall—smaller than 5 mm in diameter 3. freezing rain 4. ice pellets larger than 5 mm in diameter, formed in thunderstorm clouds 5. snow 6. any form of water that falls from clouds and reaches Earth’s surface 7. an open-ended can or tube that collects rainfall so it can be measured 8. an overflowing of water into a normally dry area 9. a long period of scarce rainfall or dry weather
Lesson 3 Precipitation Quiz 1. rain 3. true 5. larger 7. dam 9. drought-resistant 2. true 4. ice pellets 6. droughts 8. levee 10. hail
Lesson 4 Air Masses Review and Reinforce Worksheet 1. Maritime tropical 2. Over ocean 3. Warm 4. Dry 5. a huge body of air in the lower atmosphere that has similar temperature, humidity, and air pressure at any given height 6. the boundary where two air masses meet 7. bands of high-speed winds about 10 kilometers above Earth’s surface 8. the front formed when a warm air mass is caught between two cooler air masses and is driven up away from the ground 9. a swirling center of low air pressure 10. a high-pressure center of dry air without using a liquid
Lesson 4 Air Masses Quiz 1. B 4. D 7. front 10. Anticyclones 2. C 8. warm 3. B 6. maritime 9. cyclone
Lesson 5 Storms Review and Reinforce Worksheet 1. Tornadoes come from cumulonimbus clouds, which are the same clouds that produce thunderstorms. 2. They can conduct electricity from lightning into your body. 3. A lightning bolt can heat the air near it to as much as 30,000°C. Thunder is the sound of the rapidly heated air expanding explosively. 4. Warm, moist air is what gives a hurricane energy. Once it’s over land, it no longer has warm moist air to draw energy from. 5. a storm shelter or basement 6. b 8. a 10. d 7. c 9. e
Lesson 5 Storms Quiz 1. thunderstorms 3. hurricane 5. true 7. tornado 9. evacuate 2. evacuate 4. true 6. hurricane 8. storm surge 10. lightning
Lesson 6 Predicting the Weather Review and Reinforce Worksheet 1. 78 2. partly cloudy 3. From the northwest 4. 3–8 5. about 30.05 6. scientists who study and try to predict weather 7. lines on a weather map that join places that have the same temperature 8. lines on a weather map that join places that have the same air pressure
Lesson 6 Predicting the Weather Quiz 3. B 5. types of precipitation 7. weather map 9. isobars 2. B 4. C 6. meteorologists 8. isotherms 10. butterfly effect