AAIA Conference September 2009
Help me to learn Professor Charles Desforges OBE
The independent learner has … the desire for mastery will to learn ability to set objectives basic skills capacity to collaborate to use feedback to persist in adversity for flexibility and creativity
Main processes of learning making connections gaining facility re-thinking
extension of repertoire Progression to independence refinement of skill extension of range of application
School achievement skills esp: literacy attitudes esp: responsibility persistence values esp: citizenship learning
Effective teaching and learning - cognitive and metacognitive activity - learning thinking skills - effect size 0.7 sd - learner centred
AfL : core components performance ….. by learners observation feedback (timely, useable) support … by coach effect size 0.8 sd
Effects of parents/effect of schools achievement parents / school effects age / 0.05 age / 0.21 age / 0.51 from Sacker et al (2002)
Barriers to parental involvement extreme poverty and social chaos substance abuse depression the difficult child lack of confidence or knowledge alternative values barriers set up by schools
Capacity for continuous reform focus on ECM outcomes evidence based MER continuous needs analysis beg, borrow, steal, create new ideas prioritise ideas for reform field test next practice apply change management skills spread good news
References BECTA at Cummings, C. et at (2005) Evaluation of the full service extended schools project. London. DfES Research Report 680 (free download) Desforges, D., and Abouchaar, A. (2003) The impact of parental involvement on pupil achievement DfES Research Report 433 DfES (2005) The shape of things to come: personalised learning through collaboration. Download from ESRC Teaching and Learning Research Programme. Hallam et al (2004) Improving children’s behaviour and attendance through the use of parenting programmes DfES Research Report 585 Conts/….
References References Higgins, S. et al (2005) A meta-analysis of the impact of the implementation of thinking skills approaches on pupils. Downloadable from Moran,P., and Ghate, D. (2004) What works in parenting support DfES Research Report 574 New South Wales Department of Education and Training (TALE project) Valentine, G. (et al) (2005) Children and young people’s home use of ICT for educational purposes. The impact of attainment at KS London. DfES. Research Report 672 (free download from the DfES research section) (see also Research Report 680 and Research Report 681 for recent evaluations of extended schools)
Charles Desforges