Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) Alison Kitson, Programme Leader (CPD)
TDAs remit for teachers CPD To bring coherence to the occupational and professional standards used throughout the school workforce. To provide clear, high quality guidance to schools on CPD and human resources and to give clear leadership to local authorities in these areas. To monitor the quality and coverage of CPD and help to shape strategy and priorities. To co-ordinate specific CPD programmes, where appropriate.
Standards for classroom teachers reviewed and proposals submitted to SoS established Testbed Research project - 45 schools exploring the cultural changes necessary to develop more comprehensive and effective approaches to Training and Development Postgraduate Professional Development programme – interim allocations Progress to date
Returners Programme Research on LAs – how they are responding to integrated childrens services Feasibility study on Voluntary Quality Indicators Work with subject associations on Chartered Teacher Status
Current plans Develop guidance on the standards to foster shared understanding Communication strategy Review leadership standards and contribute to the independent study of the leadership group Contribute to the STRB Annual Review
Establish priorities for the training and development of teachers PPD – focus on subject knowledge, subject pedagogy and subject leadership, and evaluation Work with subject associations Maths for teachers from unconventional backgrounds Returners programme evaluation
Update on PPD First year of programme underway First interim bidding round completed Second interim round begins in June Development Group established Partnership Managers conferences
1 st interim round targets North East160 out of 160 target (100%) North West400 out of 400 target (100%) Yorkshire and the Humber300 out of 300 target (100%) East Midlands9 out of 250 target (3.6%) West Midlands340 out of 340 target (100%) Eastern9 out of 600 target (1.5%) South East118 out of 400 target (29.5%) South West250 out of 250 target (100%) London1200 out of 1200 target (100%)
North west Year 17.93% Year % Year % West midlands Year 12.76% Year 25.91% Year 36.54% South west Year 17.78% Year Year South east Year 17.90% Year % Year % North east Year 14.23% Year 26.08% Year 37.62% Yorks Year 13.83% Year 25.06% Year 35.50% East midlands Year 15.62% Year 25.98% Year 36.32% London Year 12.38% Year 24.67% Year 34.89% East Year 15.62% Year 25.98% Year 36.32% PPD funding approved breakdown by region Year 1 (2005/2006) Triennial funding Year 2 (2006/2007) Total funding Year 3 (2007/2008) Total funding
Why impact evaluation? Allows the TDA to learn how providers are taking forward their role in relation to criterion 7. Facilitates the dissemination of effective practice across providers. Enables the TDA and PPD partnerships to learn more effectively from diverse practices.
Impact of what? an evaluation of the programmes impact on practice in schools (criterion 7) Impact on teachers performance is the critical element
What is TDA asking for? Approaches will differ across partnerships Summary template designed with UCET External QA
2 nd interim round: £2m a year for 3 years Funding allocations will take regional distribution into account Providers may run programmes in multiple regions Criteria and application process remain unchanged Application process for next triennial funding round will begin in June 2007
2 nd interim round: the application process Application forms available on TDA website from the end of June 2006 Deadline for receipt of applications: Friday 6 October Deadline for additional information: Friday 8 December Announcement of provisional allocations by end of February 2007
2 nd interim round: subject knowledge Why this priority? What is meant by subject knowledge? What does subject knowledge at the core mean? What kinds of links with subject associations might be possible? What possible models of provision already exist?