“Capacity Building of Diponegoro University towards a World Class University” Semarang, 17 October 2009 Jörn Brömmelhörster Senior Country Economist Indonesia Resident Mission “Capacity Building of Diponegoro University towards a World Class University” Semarang, 17 October 2009 'Working with Development Agencies: Examples from the Asian Development Bank' Jörn Brömmelhörster Senior Country Economist Indonesia Resident Mission
Content Development institutions and ADB’s role Education loan example Business opportunities Knowledge Networks
Overview on development agencies Governmental development agencies Multi-lateral development organizations Multi-lateral development banks Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
ADB’s Core Business Finance and Advice for Development Solutions Loans Technical Assistance Grants Guarantees Equity Investments Policy Dialogue
ADB’s Strategy 2020: Core Operational Areas Infrastructure Environment (includes climate change) Regional Cooperation and Integration (RCI) Finance Sector Development Education
Strategy 2020: Other Areas of Operations Health Agriculture Disaster and Emergency Assistance
Example: Technological and Professional Skills Development (TPSD) Sector Project Support to the Long-term Development Plan for Higher Education (LTDPHE, 1996 – 2006) Loan: $180million ADB, $50million GoI, $20 million participating organizations
TPSD goals 1.Strengthening the governance and management capacity of the public and private higher education systems, improving student equity, and supporting a retraining program 2. Strengthening selected higher education institutions (including the provision of educational equipment to bolster existing and develop new study programs), supporting staff development, upgrading study centers for women, and strengthening community and industrial relations.
Knowledge Networks Eminent person groups/ resource persons Internship programs Secondments Conferences/seminars Depository libraries
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