Parent Education Plan Brancheau Elementary School
*Please use the ‘Guiding Questions’ worksheet along with this presentation. *Place in Mrs. Brancheau’s mailbox along with evaluation.
“If you have parents involved, children are going to do better and your schools are going to do better.” –Tara Dunn, Concilio’s education director
Values of Parent Education The education of parents has been proven to aid in the education of their children. Read the following article and respond to the questions on your ‘Guiding Questions’ worksheet. Parent Education Article.pdf
Successful Programs The Parenting Center - Fort Worth, TX Classes offered are for parents and teens and include: counseling, co-parenting, empowering families, parenting and family life education, parenting education programs in schools, and a parenting advice phone line. Visit their Website:
Successful Programs Georgia Parent Mentor Partnership This program has mentors who work with teachers/staff/parents to promote family engagement with the schools with a goal of improved student achievement. Visit their Website:
Successful Programs The Center for Parenting Education, Pennsylvania Provide workshops, one-on-one coaching, support groups, newsletters, libraries, and online workshops. Visit their Website:
Parent Needs at our School 1. Continued Education 2. Job seeking skills 3. Encouragement to become more involved with student’s education 4. Money saving skills 5. Health Education
Mrs. Brancheau’s Parent Education Plan 5 workshop ideas
1. A Brighter Future: College and Advancement Opportunities Summary: In this training, parents will have the opportunity to learn about options that are available to them for achieving a college education. This course will serve as a guide for the application process, financial aid information, scholarship information and will inform parents of their options. Timeline: 3 sessions – 1 per week Offered multiple times throughout the school year
2. Resume Workshop Summary: Parents will have the opportunity to build a resume in this workshop and be prepared for the interviews. Timeline: This course will be offered as three sessions in one week over three days so that parents can apply for jobs quickly and be prepared for interviews. This course will be offered multiple times per year.
3. Homework Helpers Summary: This course will help parents to learn their role in assisting their children with homework and how to help them and become actively involved in their student’s education. This class will be divided into three groups, one for grades K-1, one for grades 2-3, and one for grades 4-5 as they will focus on specific standards. Timeline: This course will take place over three weeks with one session per week. It will be offered multiple times during the year and change as the standards change as the year progresses. The sessions will take place on different nights for parents who have children in multiple grades.
4. Couponing Summary: This course will be offered to parents who are interested in learning how to become “couponers.” An expert couponer will teach the course. Timeline: This course will be taught over two nights within one week. Depending on how popular it is, it may be taught multiple times throughout the year.
5. Healthy Eating on a Budget Summary: This will be a cooking class with demonstrations of recipes that parents can sample. The recipes will be designed to feed families healthy food for affordable prices. Timeline: This will be a one night class offered multiple times through the year with new recipes. The class will take place in the cafeteria.
For more information on the details of these classes, please refer to the following outline. Parent Education Plan.docx
Please remember to fill out the evaluation and place in Mrs. Brancheau’s mailbox in the main office.
Resources Cattanach, J. (2013). Support parents to improve student learning. Retrieved from: Stitch, T. (2012). Educated parents: educated children, toward a multiple life cycles education policy. The Education Digest: Canada. Retrieved from: