NATURE OF THIS SESSION The chance for the Options Groups to present their case. The chance for the congregation to listen, question, and confirm understandings. Information and views to take away and evaluate prior to facilitated conversation on 10 November (5 to 7pm at WPC Hall) Facilitator: Paul Ramsay.
FINANCIAL ASSUMPTIONS Financial assessments for options based on current situation. But assumptions are needed about what will happen into the future. These are subjective – you need to make your own assessments. However, here are a few considerations:
FINANCIAL ASSUMPTIONS Giving has been static for the last five years. Last year it was $90,000 ; budgeted for just less for Safe to say this level will continue? No one is forecasting growth but how might any of the options contribute to funding growth? Could take a more conservative approach by allowing for loss of several significant givers - $80,000?
FINANCIAL ASSUMPTIONS Income from asset investments – the returns that we would get from current funds and from sales of buildings Proceeds of property sales will affect the outcomes of the various options. E.g. Real estate agents’ estimates have ranged between approx. $400,000 to $600,000 for sale of hall. Every $100,000 represents $5,000 dollars of annual interest in come.
FINANCIAL ASSUMPTIONS Employment costs – This is the biggest component of our costs but also one of the biggest factors contributing to our mission. $115,000 in 2012/13. Is a full-time minister sustainable or should we be looking at future part-time or shared situations? A 2/3 time minister puts all options in the black financially.
CONCLUSIONS We will have some spread-sheets to take away with you which look at the options. Remember that: The outcomes for each option depends crucially on the assumptions It does not take much to change the outcomes e.g. maintain current giving or lifting it 10%, getting more from sale of hall Important questions are therefore: how do the options contribute to our mission? Who is it that we wish to be?