The GEF Experience in Financing Technology Transfer: Overview Sub-regional Workshop for GEF Focal Points Europe and CIS Dubrovnik, Croatia, February 2009
GEF Policies and Strategies on Technology Transfer From the pilot phase to GEF-1 ( ) Demonstrating a wide range of technologies to reduce GHG emissions, both long-term and short-term From GEF-2 to GEF-3 ( ) Removing barriers to the widespread adoption of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and urban transport technologies and practices GEF-4 ( ) More focused strategic programs to achieve large benefits of GHG reductions GEF has been engaged in technology transfer since its creation. GEF’s approach has conformed closely to the Convention’s technology transfer framework.
GEF Support of Climate Change Technology Transfer Allocated about $2.5b for climate change projects, with $15b in co-financing Provided financial support to national communications, technology needs assessments, and mitigation and adaptation projects to over 130 countries Supported deployment and diffusion of more than 30 climate-friendly technologies
GEF-4 Strategic Programs for Climate Change Mitigation Energy-efficient buildings and appliances Energy efficiency in the industrial sector Market approaches to renewable energy Sustainable energy production from biomass Innovative systems for sustainable urban transport Land use, land-use change, and forestry
Examples of Technolgies Renewable Energy Building-integrated photovoltaic power production Stationary fuel-cell power generation Residential Energy Efficiency Lighting and appliances District heating systems Industrial Energy Efficiency High efficiency industrial boilers Sustainable Urban Transport Traffic demand management Bus Rapid Transit Systems
Convention Guidance to GEF on Technology Transfer Convention Article 4.5 … developed country Parties and other developed Parties included in Annex II shall take all practicable steps to promote, facilitate and finance, as appropriate, the transfer of, or access to, environmentally sound technologies and know-how to other Parties, particularly developing country Parties, to enable them to implement the provisions of the Convention. Convention Article 11 A mechanism for the provision of financial resources on a grant or concessional basis, including for the transfer of technology, is hereby defined. It shall function under the guidance of and be accountable to the Conference of the Parties, which shall decide on its policies, program priorities and eligibility criteria related to this Convention. Convention guidance to GEF since COP 1 on technology transfer
Poznan Strategic Programme on Technology Transfer Support for technology needs assessments (TNAs) Support for priority pilot projects Dissemination of successfully demonstrated climate-friendly technologies
Technology Needs Assessments Implementation process Planning process started in Dec 2008 First stakeholder planning meeting in Jan 2009 Global project by UNEP to start in March 2009 Field testing the revised TNA Handbook with countries Progress report to SBI 30 and COP 15 More countries to be supported for preparing and updating their TNA based on their request
Concluding Remarks GEF has been a financial mechanism for technology transfer since it was created 18 years ago. As financial mechanism of the Convention, GEF has been one of the largest public funder of technology transfer for climate change mitigation. GEF has provided support for TNAs and other enabling activities to more than 130 developing countries. Preparation of second round of TNAs is underway. GEF has supported the deployment, diffusion, and transfer of more than 30 climate change mitigation technologies in over 50 countries. GEF will continue to respond to Convention guidance and scale up its support for technology transfer in the future.
Contact Information Dr. Robert K. Dixon Leader, Climate and Chemicals Team Global Environment Facility Tel. (202) Website: