Integration of Technology Tools with the Study and Practice of Author's Craft
Integration of Free Web 2.0 Tools Aligned to CCSS Literature and Writing focus with concentration on author’s craft and structure Literacy Project
CCSS 10.RL.3 Analyzing complex characters... CCSS 10.RL.5 Analyzing text structure, order of events, time… CCSS 10.RL.6 Analyzing point of view or cultural experience from outside the United States… (“such works offer profound insights into the human condition and serve as models for students’ own thinking and writing”)… CCSS 10.W.3 Write narratives… CCSS 10.W.4 Produce clear and coherent writing appropriate to task, purpose, and audience… CCSS 10.W.5 Plan, revise, edit, rewrite as needed… Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically. CCSS 10.W.10 Write routinely over extended time frames… CCSS (abbreviated)
archetypes epictragic analyze develop a cast of characters write your own epic or tragic narrative The enduring fabric of world literature is lined with characters that exemplify the patterns for the variety of literary archetypes that fill our collective unconscious. Among the most prominent of these characters, are heroes, both epic heroes and tragic heroes, and the character archetypes that interact with these heroes. After having analyze d literary heroes, such as Gilgamesh and Oedipus, your task now is to develop a cast of characters, including a hero and related characters, to write your own epic or tragic narrative. demonstrate how these hero archetypes can be applied to modern hero stories written today. It is your job to demonstrate how these hero archetypes can be applied to modern hero stories written today. Project Description
Hero Character Profile (choices: Tragic or Epic archetype) Pre-Writing Chart Traditional Plot Chart Annotated Character list Title 1st Draft Narrative Preview (choices: Book Jacket / Poster / Video Trailer) 2nd Draft (then, 3rd Draft optional) Summary Ebook Multimedia Presentation (to display all project components) Project Components (due at scheduled points throughout the year) or Voki Classroom Web Tools
a revision tool a revision tool (with teacher commentary)
a revision tool a revision tool (w/plagiarism recognition) or Voki Classroom
create interactive posters create interactive posters Students can add: 1.Video clips 2.Text 3.Images 4.Etc… All on one poster! Posters can be embedded into websites or viewed in full screen mode.
create movies create movies Students can: 1.Add original or stock pictures into Animoto 2.Add original or stock Video clips into Animoto 3.Add music to Animoto 4.Embed the full Animoto video into a website
create interactive websites create interactive websites Students can add: 1.Video clips 2.Text 3.Images 4.Etc… for interactive viewing!
publish e-books publish e-books Students can easily upload documents to publish their work. Readers can “turn the pages” for an online reading experience.
For this narrative project, the website serves as the final product as it posts the final draft of the student narrative, as well as the other aspects of the project. Posting links to these student websites provides a great way for students to virtually present their work to classmates. Student Website Work Samples: The Cure The Cure Deception Deception Flesh Flesh Final Product Click here to see our Bookemon Ebook: A Class Short Stories Collection
publish e-books publish e-books *Upload photos, text, documents *Save and Publish e-books for FREE *Order printed copies
Student Feedback “This was my favorite project all year because we got to use our creativity with a few limits, something we don’t always get to use at school.” “I enjoyed creating and customizing my own website and seeing how all the pieces of my work fit together at the end. It was truly my own creation.” “I am now analyzing works better.” “I learned how to use dialogue correctly.” “My writing skills became sharper, and I also learned new literary skills to include in my own writing.” “Feedback is ALWAYS helpful. The teacher and peer feedback was useful to me.”
Tech Tips Set up project parameters, and watch the creativity unfold. Trust your students to explore, process, and create. Provide choices. Make connections throughout the year to support student work and new learning – and also for your sanity when grading and planning during busy times of the year.
We can create class Gmail accounts! This works well for streamlining stock usernames and passwords for your students as they create various accounts for web tools that you utilize.
1.Register for a free gmail account. 2.Create alias accounts for your students. (This can be done in a spreadsheet.) 3.Assign to and share with your students so they can use this information when they set up few accounts. This allows you to have access to their accounts for progress monitoring or troubleshooting if needed. Gmail: Easy as 1, 2, 3
1.Register for a free gmail account. Gmail: Easy as 1, 2, 3
Create alias accounts for your students. (This can be done in a spreadsheet.) Gmail: Easy as 1, 2, 3
1.… 2.… 3.Assign to and share with your students so they can use this information when they set up few accounts. This allows you to have access to their accounts for progress monitoring or troubleshooting if needed. Gmail: Easy as 1, 2, 3
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