developing people, improving young lives The Training and Development Agency for Schools 9 November 2007 Paul Moses / Stefan Burkey
Context New duties DRC + CRE + EOC = CEHR Requirements consultation and review R1.5c / R1.5d / R2.5 / R3.3 DRC Investigation: fitness standards Development of exemplification
R1.5c R1.5(c) That all entrants can read effectively and are able to communicate clearly and accurately in Standard English;
Reasonable adjustments under the Disability Discrimination Act Buying or modifying equipment Changing testing or assessment methods Providing a reader or mentor Providing an interpreter Occupational health advisors R1.5c
R1.5d R1.5(d) That all entrants have met the Secretary of States requirements for physical and mental fitness to teach
New Fitness to Teach Requirements (2007) No legal requirement for a teacher to be able to lift heavy objects, drive, swim, or go on physically demanding trips. Decision regarding a candidates fitness to teach rests with the ITT provider. A risk assessment, as required under health and safety legislation, must form part of the process of assessing fitness to teach. R1.5d
R2.5 R2.5 All providers must ensure that their training provision ensures equality of access to training for all trainees.
Treating a disabled trainee equally to a non- disabled trainee is insufficient to ensure equality of access to training provision Under the Disability Discrimination Act Part 4, ITT providers are required to make anticipatory reasonable adjustments Proportionate means of achieving legitimate aims R2.5
R3.3 R3.3 All providers must ensure that provision complies with the TDAs current accreditation criteria and all current legislation relevant to initial teacher training, such as that relating to equality and discrimination.
R3.3 a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Direct discrimination Failure to make reasonable adjustments Disability Related Discrimination Victimisation Harassment The Disability Equality Duty / ITT Providers Disability Equality Scheme
Quick read of material Dont get bogged down in detail Get the bigger picture Exemplification not intended to be exhaustive
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Contacts Paul Moses Stefan Burkey