Simulations in the Math/Science Classroom: Creating an Engaging Pedagogy with Excel! Scott A. Sinex Prince George’s Community College, Maryland Mark Clemente National Institute of Aerospace/Virginia Beach Public Schools Presented as a webinar at VSTE Conference in Virginia Beach on February 2009
Why interactive spreadsheets? Easy access for students and good tool for them to know Easy for instructors to develop – see Developer’s Guide to Excelets Developer’s Guide to Excelets Creates an engaging pedagogy
…more why? Addresses topics conceptually, while camouflaging mathematics –Students have to think: predict – test - analyze Allows for mathematical modeling and studying errors –More science process –Mathematics resurfaces!!!!
How are the temperature scales related?
How does the size of an atom vary on the periodic table?
How does the length of a spring vary with mass added?
How is the energy of dissociation related to composition?
How do you square a binomial?
Excelets …. Interactive concept exploration Supports Mathematicians' “Rule of Four” Mathematical modeling Error analysis Supports national standards in mathematics, sciences, and technology
Which do you prefer: static graphs in a textbook21% (6) dynamic graphs in Excel 76% (22) both 3% (1) Using Excelets does not require that you be familiar with Excel. most definitely 7% (2) I think so 38% (11) just barely 34% (10) not at all 14% (4) don’t know7% (2) Student feedback… All Student Survey results
Excelets offer a more visual experience with graphs instead of using just the mathematical equations. most definitely 66% (19) I think so 24% (7) just barely 10% (3) not at all don’t know Excelets make it easier to grasp or learn a concept. most definitely55% (16) I think so 31% (9) just barely 14% (4) not at all don’t know more feedback…
What do student like most? Mean with +/- standard deviation Predict-test-analyze
The “How to” resources... Developer's Guide to Excelets: Dynamic and Interactive Visualization with "Javaless" Applets or Interactive Excel Spreadsheets Tutorial, instructions, and a variety of interactive Excel spreadsheet examples Resource list for mathematics and science
Excelets developed by high school teachers… Hampton Roads Modeling and Simulation Initiative nce+Lessons Exercises developed by Computation and Science Teachers (CAST) Workshop (see previous years)
More info... Scott Sinex – Mark Clemente – Webpages embedded in PowerPoint – get LiveWeb ( …and thanks for coming today too!!!
Resources Computational Resources by Maryland Virtual High School Introduction to Computational Science Angela B. Shiflet and George W. Shiflet Supercomputing Conference Education Program Wiki
Data analysis Graphing with Excel – LabWrite Using Excel for Handling, Graphing, and Analyzing Scientific Data: A Resource for Science and Mathematics Students
Data sets Quantitative Environmental Learning Project (QELP) as Excel files Exploring Data – datasets as Excel files