TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio The TERENA Technical Programme Claudio Allocchio VP Technical Programme TERENA General Assembly Prague, October 2002 Prague, October 2002
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Terms of Reference The scope of the TERENA Technical Programme is: To supports joint European work in developing, evaluating, testing, integrating and promoting new networking, middleware and application technologies.To supports joint European work in developing, evaluating, testing, integrating and promoting new networking, middleware and application technologies. To bring together technical specialists from TERENA member organisations and the wider European research networking community.To bring together technical specialists from TERENA member organisations and the wider European research networking community. To organise topical workshops and ad-hoc meetings to exchange experiences and information, and to plan for joint activities.To organise topical workshops and ad-hoc meetings to exchange experiences and information, and to plan for joint activities. To liaises with similar activities in other continents.To liaises with similar activities in other continents.
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Terms of Reference (2) Inside the Technical Programme we have the Technical Advisory Council,Technical Advisory Council, TERENA Technical Committee,TERENA Technical Committee, a number of Special Interest Areas,a number of Special Interest Areas, Task Forces,Task Forces, Projects.Projects.
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Technical Advisory Council The TAC consists of representatives of the TERENA member organisations (= the senior technical managers of those organisations), the Task Force leaders, the VP Technical Programme, the Chief Technical Officer and the Secretary General. The TAC is a main instrument for the TERENA member organisations to steer the direction of the technical work under the TERENA umbrella.
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Technical Advisory Council The TAC meets at least once a year to: Review the progress of the Technical ProgrammeReview the progress of the Technical Programme Advise on the future direction of the Technical ProgrammeAdvise on the future direction of the Technical Programme Propose new initiativesPropose new initiatives Exchange information about networking activitiesExchange information about networking activities Propose TTC membersPropose TTC members At least once every two years, the TAC also reviews the Special Interest Areas (done on Monday June 3rd 2002) A stronger role for the TAC all year round?
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio TERENA Technical Committee The TTC co-ordinates and supervises the Technical Programme. It has the functions to: Create and dissolve Task ForcesCreate and dissolve Task Forces Consider project proposals and recommend to the TEC whether they should be approved as TERENA projects and, if applicable, whether they should receive TERENA fundingConsider project proposals and recommend to the TEC whether they should be approved as TERENA projects and, if applicable, whether they should receive TERENA funding Assess the progress of Task Forces and projectsAssess the progress of Task Forces and projects
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio TERENA Technical Committee The current composition of the TTC is: Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical ProgrammeClaudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme Roberto Barbera - GRIDRoberto Barbera - GRID David Chadwick - DirectoriesDavid Chadwick - Directories Christoph Graf - SecurityChristoph Graf - Security Dimitrios Kalogeras - High Speed NetworkingDimitrios Kalogeras - High Speed Networking Olav Kvittem - Diffserv and Quality of ServiceOlav Kvittem - Diffserv and Quality of Service Ton Verschuren - MiddlewareTon Verschuren - Middleware John Dyer - Chief Technical OfficerJohn Dyer - Chief Technical Officer Valentino Cavalli - acting Chief Technical OfficerValentino Cavalli - acting Chief Technical Officer Karel Vietsch - Secretary GeneralKarel Vietsch - Secretary General Liaison with US-MACE Committee: Brian Gilmore Brian Gilmore
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Special Interest Areas The TEC may create a maximum of six Special Interest Areas, usually based on the recommendation of the TAC. The Special Interest Areas determine the focus of the TERENA Technical Programmedetermine the focus of the TERENA Technical Programme offer a forum for discussion and exchange of informationoffer a forum for discussion and exchange of information provide a platform for creating new Task Forces and projectsprovide a platform for creating new Task Forces and projects
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Special Interest Areas The current Special Interest Areas (June 2002) are: Lower Layers (IPv6, MPLS, VPNs etc.)Lower Layers (IPv6, MPLS, VPNs etc.) Quality of Service (including DiffServ)Quality of Service (including DiffServ) Videoconferencing and Streaming (Including IP Telephony)Videoconferencing and Streaming (Including IP Telephony) Content Delivery, Indexing and SearchingContent Delivery, Indexing and Searching MiddlewareMiddleware MobilityMobility In addition, Grid and Campus coordination across the SIAsIn addition, Grid and Campus coordination across the SIAs
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Task Forces and Projects A Task Force is a focused group with a specific charter, which defines its objectives, its lifetime and the deliverables that the group will produce A Minor Project is a limited activity that produces specific deliverables within a few months and that is (partially) funded directly from TERENA’s own resources A Major Project is a larger activity covering a longer period. Major projects are funded by additional contributions from TERENA member organisations and possibly other sources An External Project is an activity in which TERENA staff members themselves take an active part and that is co-funded by third parties such as the EU
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Lower Layers and QoS TF-NGN TF-NGN investigates the suitability of advanced networking technologies for future implementation in research networks in Europe. The work includes the piloting of new services on GÉANT. Very active Task Force with a large membership and a large number of activity areas; the updated list of activities is in tune with the GÉANT roadmap for year 3 and includes: intra/inter-domain Network Monitoring Infrastructure including the definition and organisation of a Performance Emergency Response Team (PERT)intra/inter-domain Network Monitoring Infrastructure including the definition and organisation of a Performance Emergency Response Team (PERT) Optical developmentsOptical developments MulticastMulticast IPv6 deploymentIPv6 deployment Support for Layer 2 VPNsSupport for Layer 2 VPNs
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Lower Layers and QoS 6NET project Very large FP5 project for a large-scale international IPv6 testbed. January 2002 – December Total estimated budget 17 million euro. More than 30 participants, the consortium was extended with the national research networks of Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic and ETRI, Korea. Latest news: Full IPv6 test network operational, tests are being scheduled now. Project review in Paris on 30 October 2002Latest news: Full IPv6 test network operational, tests are being scheduled now. Project review in Paris on 30 October 2002 TERENA’s role: Leading the workpackage on dissemination and exploitation of resultsLeading the workpackage on dissemination and exploitation of results Maintaining the 6NET website (IPv6 enabled): the 6NET website (IPv6 enabled): Organising workshops (Joint 6NET-Euro6IX workshop, Limerick 5 June 2002, next one May-June 2003)Organising workshops (Joint 6NET-Euro6IX workshop, Limerick 5 June 2002, next one May-June 2003)
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Lower Layers and QoS 6LINK project Small accompanying measure in FP5 to support the IPv6 cluster activities. March 2002 – February Total estimated budget 1 million euro. Project partners are: BT Exact, Telscom, T-Nova, University of Southampton, Consulintel, University College London, Polytechnical University of Madrid, Motorola, DANTE, TERENA, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid TERENA’s role is very small: 1 man-month per year Contribution to IPv6 Cluster meeting, next one 6 November 2002Contribution to IPv6 Cluster meeting, next one 6 November 2002www.6link.org
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Lower Layers and QoS TEQUILA project FP5 project to specify, implement and test a set of service definition and traffic engineering tools to obtain QoS guarantees across IP networks. Total estimated budget 5.9 million euro. January 2000 – June 2002, extended until October Project participants are: Alcatel, Algosystems, France Telecom R&D, Global Crossing, University of Surrey, IMEC, NTU Athens, University College London. TERENA is assistant contractor to UCL. TERENA’s role: Maintaining the TEQUILA website: the TEQUILA website: Organising workshops (last one in Maastricht on May 2002)Organising workshops (last one in Maastricht on May 2002)
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Lower Layers and QoS SCAMPI project Large FP5 project to develop a SCAlable Monitoring Platform for the Internet. April 2002 – September Total estimated budget 5.5 million euro. Project participants are: TERENA, IMEC, FORTH, Leiden University, Netikos, UNINETT, CESNET, FORTHNET, 4PLUS, Siemens TERENA’s role: Project co-ordinatorProject co-ordinator Leading the workpackage on project management and disseminationLeading the workpackage on project management and dissemination Maintaining the SCAMPI websiteMaintaining the SCAMPI website Organising workshops (1 st Workshop will be held in Amsterdam in January 2003)Organising workshops (1 st Workshop will be held in Amsterdam in January 2003)
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Videoconferencing and Streaming IP telephony Last meeting combined with TF-STREAM in Limerick on 2 June 2002Last meeting combined with TF-STREAM in Limerick on 2 June 2002 Great interest in TERENA coordinating the production of an IP Telephony CookbookGreat interest in TERENA coordinating the production of an IP Telephony Cookbook Major project proposal submitted to TTC in September 2003Major project proposal submitted to TTC in September 2003
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Videoconferencing and Streaming IP Telephony Cokbook Project (1) Project objectives: overview of available technologies and trends for the near futureoverview of available technologies and trends for the near future models / scenarios for deploying IP telephony and building a IP Telephony infrastructuremodels / scenarios for deploying IP telephony and building a IP Telephony infrastructure guidelines onguidelines on –IP Telephony protocols and basic services set up –how to set-up advanced services –how to connect an IP Telephony island to a wider “dialing plan” regulatory and legal aspectsregulatory and legal aspects experiences on interoperability of IP Telephony equipmentexperiences on interoperability of IP Telephony equipment information about IP telephony projects in Europeinformation about IP telephony projects in Europe
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Videoconferencing and Streaming IP Telephony Cokbook Project (2) Cookbook contents: 1. Introduction 2.Technology Background 3.IP Telephony Scenarios 4.Setting up Basic services 5.Setting up Advanced Services (telephony-centric) 6.Setting up Value-Added Service (additional to tel. services) 7.Global telephony integration 8.Regulatory / Legal considerations A)European IP Telephony Projects B)IP Telephony Hardware/Software
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Videoconferencing and Streaming IP Telephony Cokbook Project (3) Main partners: University of Pisa, TZI University of Bremen, FhG FokusUniversity of Pisa, TZI University of Bremen, FhG Fokus Project contributors: CESNET, Karl-Franzens-University Graz, GRNET, SURFnetCESNET, Karl-Franzens-University Graz, GRNET, SURFnet Project size: 11 months duration with a total of 11 person-months.11 months duration with a total of 11 person-months. Requested financial contribution 64,800 EurRequested financial contribution 64,800 Eur TTC (September 2002) recommended: Relevant to Community needsRelevant to Community needs Fund as major project with 10 kEUR funding from TERENA and remaining funding from number of other partiesFund as major project with 10 kEUR funding from TERENA and remaining funding from number of other parties
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Middleware Security: TF-CSIRT TF-CSIRT provides a platform for information exchange and collaboration between Computer Security Incident Response Teams from NRENs, industry and government. Very active Task Force with a large membership. Some 30 CSIRTs actively participate, meetings have some 50 attendees. Latest meeting held in Syros, GR on September Ongoing activities include: The task force has established a working group on best-current-practice in CSIRTs to assist in the establishment of new CSIRTsThe task force has established a working group on best-current-practice in CSIRTs to assist in the establishment of new CSIRTs Clearinghouse for incident handlingClearinghouse for incident handling IODEF Pilot Project results expected at the end of 2002 (ECSIRT.net)IODEF Pilot Project results expected at the end of 2002 (ECSIRT.net)
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Middleware Security: Trusted Introducer pilot service TI provides a form of accreditation of CSIRTs, thereby assisting the development of a ‘Web of Trust’. Currently 30 CSIRTs accredited and 79 listed. The Trusted Introducer continues as a permanent service starting from 1 September 2002, with TERENA continuing to provide clearinghouse function. A meeting of accredited CSIRTs was organised in Syros, Greece on 26 September 2002.
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Middleware Security: TRANSITS project FP5 project to provide TRAining of Network Security Incident Teams Staff. Started on 1 July 2002, will run for 3 years. Total estimated budget 250,000 euro. Will develop and maintain course materials to train staff members of new CSIRTs and new staff members of existing CSIRTs. EU funding covers logistics costs, expenses of teachers and includes small budget to support participants from “poor” countries. Project participants are TERENA and UKERNA Scheduled Training Courses: Oegstgeest, the Netherlands from 31 October – 1 November 2002Oegstgeest, the Netherlands from 31 October – 1 November 2002 Warsaw, Poland from May 2003Warsaw, Poland from May 2003
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Middleware Directories TF-LSD investigates the usability of LDAPv3 as a base for a wide range of Internet services A proposal for extending and/or re-chartering and/or merging with TF- AACE will be discussed at the next meeting in Stockholm on 27 November 2002 Work on deliverables continuing until re-charteringWork on deliverables continuing until re-chartering Project “Adding Certificate Retrieval to OpenLDAP” Progressing on schedule and approaching now final deliverables and resultsProgressing on schedule and approaching now final deliverables and results Project “DEEP2 Schema for the European Academia” (EuroEduPerson) First result of Questionnaire currently being analysed, more responses will be accepted until TF-LSD meeting in November 2002First result of Questionnaire currently being analysed, more responses will be accepted until TF-LSD meeting in November 2002 Project “Directory Schema Registry” Contract started on 1 August 2002, will run for 12 monthsContract started on 1 August 2002, will run for 12 months
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Middleware Authentication and authorisation TF-AACE, the Task Force for Authentication, Authorisation Coordination for Europe was officially established in April The next meeting will be in Stockholm on 27 November 2002, preceded by a TF-AACE workshop on 26 November and followed by the Nordic GNOMIS workshop on November. Work items include: Defining interoperability requirements for European academic PKIs, including guidelines for PKI deployment at NRENsDefining interoperability requirements for European academic PKIs, including guidelines for PKI deployment at NRENs Defining common requirements for inter-institutional authentication and authorisation, providing a framework for harmonising NREN initiativesDefining common requirements for inter-institutional authentication and authorisation, providing a framework for harmonising NREN initiatives Investigation/comparison of use of hierarchical and bridge PKI/CA and making recommendation for European NRENsInvestigation/comparison of use of hierarchical and bridge PKI/CA and making recommendation for European NRENs
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Mobility Architecture to support “roaming” of students between different NRENs Chartering new TERENA task forceChartering new TERENA task force Meeting on 28 October 2002, AmsterdamMeeting on 28 October 2002, Amsterdam Proposed Work Study available AuthN & AuthZ techniquesStudy available AuthN & AuthZ techniques –Web-based, RADIUS+802.1x, VPNs Study support of next generation equipment for MobileIP (v4 and v6)Study support of next generation equipment for MobileIP (v4 and v6) Set up a test bed for inter-NREN AuthN & AuthZSet up a test bed for inter-NREN AuthN & AuthZ Liaise with TF-AACE and TF-NGNLiaise with TF-AACE and TF-NGN
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio SEEREN project Large FP5 Accompanying Measure to support South-Eastern European Research & Education Networking. Fall months. Total estimated budget about 1.3 million euro. Project participants: GRNET (Co-ordinator), HUNGARNET, RoEduNet, DANTE, TERENA Subcontractors are NRENs of: Bulgaria, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, FYROM, FRY TERENA`s role: Contribute to analyse technical & operational requirements (0.09 PM up to month 3)Contribute to analyse technical & operational requirements (0.09 PM up to month 3) Contribute to dissemination activities, brochures, workshops, liaisons (1.13 PM)Contribute to dissemination activities, brochures, workshops, liaisons (1.13 PM)
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio GRIDs TERENA staff and TTC closely following developments, e.g. in Global Grid Forum and events (iGRID 2002), exchanging information and knowledgeTERENA staff and TTC closely following developments, e.g. in Global Grid Forum and events (iGRID 2002), exchanging information and knowledge TERENA disseminating information to bridge the GRID and the European research networking communityTERENA disseminating information to bridge the GRID and the European research networking community Proposing to participate in FP6 GRID initiatives as a major dissemination partner (see also slides on new activities)Proposing to participate in FP6 GRID initiatives as a major dissemination partner (see also slides on new activities)
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio GNRT Guide to Network Resource Tools A completely revised, modularly structured new edition of the GNRT is currently being produced.A completely revised, modularly structured new edition of the GNRT is currently being produced. Many sections are available for review, a few sections are being prepared nowMany sections are available for review, a few sections are being prepared now First preview expected end 2002First preview expected end 2002 … maybe a new title if we publish again the book?… maybe a new title if we publish again the book?
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio ".eu" TLD We discussed at the TEC about the involvement that TERENA should have into the management of the coming ".eu" TLD. We strongly believe that TERENA role should be to represent the R&E community into its Policy Board.
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Activities in FP6 EGEE GRID, Dissemination activityGRID, Dissemination activityASTON Optical networking testbed, Co-ordination and dissemination activitiesOptical networking testbed, Co-ordination and dissemination activitiesC2NRE2 Network of Excellence, Co-ordination…Network of Excellence, Co-ordination…
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio FP6 - EGEE What is EGEE ? An Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (III) to create and deploy Grid Technologies for e-Science and Industry Objectives: integrating Grid technological developments from across Europe;integrating Grid technological developments from across Europe; establishing a Europe-wide Grid infrastructure for science and industry with a focus on heterogeneity and interoperability;establishing a Europe-wide Grid infrastructure for science and industry with a focus on heterogeneity and interoperability; enabling the creation of e-Science applications from across the scientific and industrial spectrum;enabling the creation of e-Science applications from across the scientific and industrial spectrum; ensuring the timely delivery of the project’s programme of work, guided by the needs of academic and industrial partners.ensuring the timely delivery of the project’s programme of work, guided by the needs of academic and industrial partners.
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio FP6 - EGEE (2) Participants (up to now): Members from current Grid initiatives in Europe, Research bodies, Universities, NRENs, … ( check the Position Papers at: ) TERENA proposed role: Major Disseminating partner in the ConsortiumMajor Disseminating partner in the Consortium A very good method to easily bridge between the TERENA TFs activities and results relevant to Grids (expecially Middleware) and the ongoing activities in the Grid projectsA very good method to easily bridge between the TERENA TFs activities and results relevant to Grids (expecially Middleware) and the ongoing activities in the Grid projects
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio FP6 - EGEE (3) Where TERENA fits? EGEE proposes a large number of Dissemination Acitivites, both to the R&E community and to the SMEs, and more. TERENA will take over the training and dissemination activities to the R&E community, including the NRENs, Research Organisations and Univerisities, complementing the one towards the SMEs and more.
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio FP6 - EGEE (4) TTC and TEC recommend that TERENA takes part in the proposal, and joins the Consortium, partecipating as a contractor when the appropriate FP6 call is issued. Why? It follows the TAC and GA recommendation to be involved and closely follow Grid activitiesIt follows the TAC and GA recommendation to be involved and closely follow Grid activities It involves activities in line with the recommendation to "close the gap" between the Campus and End users and the NRENs activitiesIt involves activities in line with the recommendation to "close the gap" between the Campus and End users and the NRENs activities It contributes the large TERENA TFs know how to the other GRID active partners in a natural and "internal" way.It contributes the large TERENA TFs know how to the other GRID active partners in a natural and "internal" way.
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio FP6 - EGEE (5) How? Sending a declaration of intents to the EGEE coordinator (Fabrizio Gagliardi, CERN) Other questions: Costs?Labour?… We need to see FP6 call in order to know the details.
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio FP6 - ASTON What is ASTON ? A project aimed to study the next generation of lower layers (mostly optical) networking, which also fits quite well into the future needs of GÉANT. Some activities fit into the III pictures, too. Activities : 1. Building a pan-European testbed infrastructure1. Building a pan-European testbed infrastructure 2. Bandwidth on Demand (BoD)2. Bandwidth on Demand (BoD) 3. Optical circuit (packet) switching3. Optical circuit (packet) switching 4. IP/Optical Network Management4. IP/Optical Network Management 5. Transport at Gbit/s and higher5. Transport at Gbit/s and higher Gbit/s Ethernet over long distances6. 10 Gbit/s Ethernet over long distances
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio FP6 - ASTON (2) GÉANT needs: 10Gb Ethernet over long distance10Gb Ethernet over long distance Simple layer2 provisioningSimple layer2 provisioning Bandwidth on demandBandwidth on demand 40Gb line-speed40Gb line-speed Integrate IP and Optical managementIntegrate IP and Optical management
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio FP6 - ASTON (3) Participants (up to now): Members of TF-NGN, but interests expressed also from equipment providers (Juniper, Cisco, Alcatel), carriers and universities TERENA proposed role: Project Coordination and Dissemination ActivitiesProject Coordination and Dissemination Activities … but open for possible other Project Coordination offers.… but open for possible other Project Coordination offers.
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio FP6 - ASTON (4) TTC and TEC recommend that ASTON project is a major interest of the TERENA community, and we should be ready to submit a FP6 proposal in the appropriate area as soon as this is possible. More over there is currently a significant momentum in this field, and, despite the problems in the Carriers industry which made ASTON focus change into a FP6 long term project, a very active group of TF-NGN members are already organising Work Packages and structuring the activity.
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio FP6 - ASTON (5) How? TF-NGN Optical activities (leader Victor Reijs):TF-NGN Optical activities (leader Victor Reijs): Bandwidth on Demand, (Michal Przybilsky, PSNC)Bandwidth on Demand, (Michal Przybilsky, PSNC) 10 GigE over long-distance, (Stanislav Sima, CESNET)10 GigE over long-distance, (Stanislav Sima, CESNET) Transport at Gbit/s and higher (Mauro Campanella GARR)Transport at Gbit/s and higher (Mauro Campanella GARR) FP6 Research Networking Testsbeds (summer/fall 2003)FP6 Research Networking Testsbeds (summer/fall 2003) FP6 III (December 2002) for some activities like BoDFP6 III (December 2002) for some activities like BoD
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio FP6 - C2NRE2 What is C2NRE2 ? The Expression of Interest which TERENA sent out immediately after the June 2002 GA, to declare its interest in creating and coordination Networks of Excellence. Objectives: –To create proactive collaborations among European research organisations, campuses and top experts in the advanced networking activities. –to create a “Network of Excellence” to pull together the top experts in the following areas: Lower Layers Technology (Ipv6, MPLS, VPNs, Optical,…) Quality of Service (DIFFserv, Premium Services,…) Video-Conferencing, Streaming and IP Telephony Content Delivery, Indexing and Searching (Portals, Semantic WEB,…) Middleware (Security, Authentication, Authorisation, …) Mobility (IP Roaming, Users’ Mobility,…) GRIDs
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio FP6 - C2NRE2 (2) TERENA proposed role: … exactly what its Terms of Reference are aimed to… And to cluster a number of proposals for NoE which just cover one specific field, and overlaps with the existing TERENA TFs and activities (examples in optical networking, Middleware,…)
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio FP6 - C2NRE2 (3) TTC and TEC believes that the NoE are a quite good instrument to enhance the already ongoing activities in the TERENA SIAs, extending their penetration inside the campuses and research organisations, as suggested also by the GA and TAC discussion in June 2002.
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio FP6 - C2NRE2 (4) How? Still a number of details being investigated; Taking contacts with "single field" NoE proposals wich are being made public; …
TERENA GA Claudio Allocchio Questions?