Health Information Project Sheila Scott, Western Isles Health Board Western Isles NHS Board
PFPI Agenda (Patient Focus Public Involvement) Involvement Building capacity Responsiveness Patient Information
Concept Provision of accurate and appropriate information to vulnerable groups. Aimed at local and national priorities. Accessible throughout the island group Easily updated Supported by volunteers
Initial Themes To provide up-to-date health information on medical conditions. To provide information on relevant local services.
National Information Covering:- Surgical operations Medical Conditions Support Groups Ethnic health National Web links Health News Public Feedback Facilities Covering:- Comments Complaints Surveys Check personal data Applications Local Information Covering:- NHS Western Isles GP Surgeries/Services Comhairle nan Eilean Siar local groups/services local patient leaflets Local news and alerts The 3 Service Components Supplied by Intouch Service relayed to patients and public via… Supplied by the BoardSupplied jointly GP surgeries/ Hospitals SHAW workplaces Libraries and Schools Youth Clubs/ Community Halls NHS and Local Authority intranet Voluntary/ Community groups Job Centres/ Employment Centres Airport
Future Developments To continue supporting the development of relevant local services websites for addition to the HI Project. To continue to link national clinical priorities websites to the HI Project. To continue the development of the role of the volunteers. To consult with colleagues on information gaps to be added to HI Project.
Health Information Project Western Isles NHS Board