Case Study 1 Matthew
Context Pre existing mental health condition before joining the programme. Assessed by the Medical Team at university and by his own psychiatrist as fit to be on the course Matthew to have regular meetings with a Mental Health advocate-however he had not been attending such meetings. Course Leader unaware of this
Behaviours which raised concerns with staff Non attendance Poor personal hygiene and unkempt appearance aggressive response to fellow peers during group work and to feedback from school staff post lesson observations
Action taken by staff Concerns reported to Course Leader Course Leader contacts Mental Health Nurse to see if student has a pre existing mental health problem which may explain his behaviour Alert results in Mental Health Nurse contacting Matthew for a meeting Matthew intercalates due to the deterioration in his mental health
Positive follow up processes Return to studies interview with course tutor once psychiatrist had confirmed stability 3 –way meeting involving Matthew, Mental Health Nurse, Course Leader Agreed relapse prevention plan drawn up, with all parties made aware of expectations. Direct liaison with Mental Health nurse if Course Leader had any worries Weekly meetings for Matthew with his mental health advocate
Case Study 2 Caroline
Context Caroline has a mental health condition which results in high levels of anxiety, motivational difficulties, fatigue and stress. She has not submitted any course work despite being registered for PGCE for 2 years. At key points she has interrupted her studies due to health issues related to her condition.
Behaviours which raised concerns with staff Inflexible thinking Pattern of missed lectures and missed deadlines High levels of stress whilst on placement resulting in an inability to form good working relationships with her class teacher
Action taken by staff Concerns reported to Programme Leader Programme Leader contacts College Doctor A meeting is set up with Caroline, the doctor and her mother Disability Services and Student Union get involved Caroline intercalates due to the deterioration in her mental health
Positive follow up processes Due to Caroline interrupting for the third time it was agreed that a Learning Agreement would be set up prior to the student rejoining the course which will involve Caroline, Programme Leader and Disability Services Any communication with Caroline is followed up in writing
Positive follow up processes continued Caroline will be asked to contact Disability Services at least 2 weeks before the assignment deadlines so that any deterioration in her health can be picked up in advance of the submission date.