$100 $400 $300 $200 $400 $200 $100$100 $400 $200$200 $500$500 $300 $200 $500 $100 $300 $100 $300 $500 $300 $400$400 $500.


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Presentation transcript:

$100 $400 $300 $200 $400 $200 $100$100 $400 $200$200 $500$500 $300 $200 $500 $100 $300 $100 $300 $500 $300 $400$400 $500

Mendelian Genetics


Genetic Disorders

Blood Types and Sex- Linkage

This and That

Mendelian Genetics Mutations Genetic Disorders Blood Types and Sex- linkage This and That $100 $300 $200 $400 $500 $

Mendelian Genetics - $100 Term for the actual genes and term for the expression of the genes (what it looks like).

Mendelian Genetics- $200 If T = tall and t = short and tall is dominant over short, the phenotypic ratio of a cross between 2 heterozygous plants.

Mendelian Genetics- $300 If T = tall and t = short, the phenotypic ratio of a cross between a heterozygous tall plant and a short plant.

Mendelian Genetics- $400 Term given to a cross between an individual of an unknown genotype and a pure recessive individual with the purpose of determining the unknown genotype.

Mendelian Genetics- $500 If T=tall and t=short and tall is dominant over short, the phenotypes of the offspring of a cross between a pure tall and a pure short plant.

Mutations- $100 Change in a single base pair in DNA

Mutations- $200 Mutation in which a single base is added to or deleted from DNA, changes the whole sequence following the mutation.

Mutations- $300 Mutation in which part of a chromosome is left out.

Mutations- $400 Failure of homologous pairs to separate during Prophase I of meiosis, resulting in an extra chromosome in one pair and a missing one in another pair

Mutations- $500 When part of one chromosome breaks off and is added to a different chromosome.

Genetic Disorders - $100 Disorder in which the shape of the red blood cells is abnormal, affecting the blood’s ability to deliver oxygen to the cells, mostly affects people of African descent.

Genetic Disorders - $200 Autosomal dominant disorder in which the nervous system completely breaks down; no effective treatment exists.

Genetic Disorders - $300 Sex-linked recessive disorder in which the blood won’t clot.

Genetic Disorders - $400 Otherwise known as Trisomy 21, a disorder that is the result of nondisjunction (3 chromosomes on the 21 st pair)

Genetic Disorders - $500 2 diseases caused by recessive alleles that are most common in Caucasians.

R and P- $100 The 4 blood phenotypes

R and P- $200 The genotype for a person with Type O blood.

R and P- $300 The two parent genotypes that can result in children of all 4 phenotypes.

R and P- $400 Name for a female who is heterozygous for a sex-linked trait.

R and P- $500 Number and gender of color- blind offspring in a cross between a carrier female and a color-blind male.

This and That- $100 Traits that are governed by many genes, resulting in a wide range of phenotypes, such as skin color.

This and That- $200 Traits that are controlled by more than 2 alleles (example: blood types )

This and That- $300 Number of affected individuals in the 2 nd generation.

This and That- $400 Gender of this individual

This and That- $500 DNA made by connecting or recombining fragments of DNA from different sources

Mendelian Genetics- $100 What is genotype, phenotype? $

Mendelian Genetics- $200 What is ¾ Tall, ¼ short? $

Mendelian Genetics- $300 $ What is ½ tall and ½ short ?

Mendelian Genetics- $400 What is a test cross? $

Mendelian Genetics- $500 What is 4/4 tall? $

Mutations- $100 What is a point mutation? $

Mutations- $200 What is a frameshift mutation? $

Mutations- $300 What is a deletion? $

Mutations- $400 What is nondisjunction? $

Mutations- $500 What is a translocation? $

Genetic Disorders - $100 What is sickle cell anemia? $

Genetic Disorders - $200 What is Huntington’s disease? $

Genetic Disorders - $300 What is hemophilia? $

Genetic Disorders - $400 What is Down’s syndrome? $

Genetic Disorders - $500 What are cystic fibrosis, Tay Sach’s disease or phenylketonuria? $

R and P- $100 What are A, B, AB and O? $

R and P- $200 What is ii? $

R and P- $300 What are IAi and IBi? $

R and P- $400 What is a carrier? $

R and P- $500 What are one color-blind male and one color-blind female? $

This and That- $100 What is polygenic inheritance? $

This and That- $200 What are multiple alleles? $

This and That- $300 What is one? $

This and That- $400 What is male? $

This and That- $500 What is recombinant DNA? $

“Jeopardy!” Powerpoint Template Designed and Created by Jeffrey White Copyright © 2000 Version Last updated 9 June, 2000 The graphics and sounds used in this template are recorded from the “Jeopardy!” television show, were obtained from the “Jeopardy!” website, and are the property of Sony Pictures Entertainment.“Jeopardy!” website Visit for updated versions!