Work package title: WP 5 Farm trials to develop and promote effective use of botanical pesticides Lead partner: SAFIRE Involved partners: UZ, DARS, ICRAF, NRI-UOG P. Sola and B. Mvumi
Objective Farmer participatory rural appraisal (PRA) of commonly used pesticidal plant control strategies under farm conditions using standardised comparative methodologies
WP 5 Deliverables Simple protocols on the best way to use pesticidal plant materials, giving clear statements of efficacy produced for farmers and NGOs. At least two peer-reviewed journal articles on efficacy and persistence of pesticidal plant materials in on-farm PRAs. Information sheets in local languages providing instructions for the safe and effective use of local pesticidal plants produced. Programmes promoting the safe and effective use of pesticidal plants aired on radio and television. Farmer and NGO workshops held to inform the wider community about the use of pesticidal plants.
Post-harvest uses controlled trials will be carried out to evaluate different plant materials and application methods the species, dose, application, commodity, intended use of grain (seed or food grain) will be decided in consultation with farmers. Standard methods for sampling grain over the storage period and determining insect infestation, damage, and grain loss will be used and sampling will be carried out by scientific staff alongside farmers. Assessments of grain characteristics such as tainting, discoloration, marketability will be evaluated in blind tests with farmers and in local markets
Experimental Design Three grains maize, sorghum, cowpeas as prioritised in respective country Project will provide grain but farmers encouraged to provide own contribution relative to production level Two sites per country x 5 sp x 6 reps (farmer grps) Two treatment levels if necessary? Treatments to include predominant farmer method Treatment application at central point for standardisation Sampling at loading and subsequently at 8 week intervals ≥ 40 wks Sampling undertaken by trained personnel in consultation with farmers
Measurements Grain damage Insect numbers & species Grain moisture content Samples to evaluated in blind tests by farmers Parallel on-station experiments conducted with undergraduate students? Trials to run over two consecutive storage seasons
Veg experimental design Pesticidal plants are used commonly to treat kitchen garden crops including leafy, fruiting or root vegetables Each country to prioritise key vegetable & the respective pests Two sites per country Target three community gardens per site Dedicate part of the garden to the experiment Project to provide inputs & farmers to be responsible for day-to-day management What happens if there are no pests; do we introduce?
Measurements Number of infested plants Pest numbers per plant Weather conditions Are farmers allowed to harvest the vegetables? Frequency? Impact?
Veg experimental design 3 gardensx3 treatmentsx2vegetables per season for 2 seasons Include commercial synthetic pesticide Time frame four months Jul-Oct Sampling done weekly Veg characteristics evaluated with farmers Greenhouse experiments conducted with undergraduate students?? Application method to depend on mode of action of botanical pesticide
Ectoparasite control Field experiments will be carried out with plants identified through surveys in WP2 to determine potential value as acaricides with selected plants species by treating animals using indigenous techniques and with traditional plant preparation.
Process Literature review ; what works, methods used WP2 Select sites Feasibility assessment: participatory rural appraisal, ecological surveys / species mapping, grain/ livestock/vegetables assessment WP 2 Results from WP 3 and 4 Finalise research design Start research in Jul
Site selection High agricultural yield potential Some known use of plants as pesticide Reasonable livestock stocking Areas where agriculture is the main source of livelihood Varied ecosystems/vegetation ecoregions