Cosmic Dust and Cosmology Thomas Prevenslik QED Radiations Discovery Bay, Hong Kong, China APRIM th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting - August 18-22, Daejeon Korea 1
Since Hubble, cosmology based on Doppler’s redshift considers the Universe as finite beginning and expanding ever since the Big Bang. If, however, Hubble’s redshift is shown to have a non-Doppler origin, the Universe need not be expanding. Redshift without an expanding Universe is of utmost importance as the outstanding problems in cosmology would be resolved by Newtonian Mechanics. Introduction APRIM th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting - August 18-22, Daejeon Korea 2
Dusty Galaxies APRIM th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting - August 18-22, Daejeon Korea NGC 3314 Dust affects redshift measurements 3
Purpose APRIM th Asia-Pacific Regional I-AU Meeting - August 18-22, Daejeon Korea Show galaxy light is redshift upon absorption in NPs of cosmic dust NP = nanoparticle (Sub-micron particles < 1 micron) Purpose is not to show cosmic dust gives the same redshift as the Doppler redshift, but to show the Doppler redshift needs to be corrected for cosmic dust 4
Mechanism APRIM th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting - August 18-22, Daejeon Korea Galaxy light is redshift by QED as its EM energy is absorbed under the TIR confinement of the cosmic dust NP. QED = quantum electrodynamics EM = electromagnetic TIR = total internal reflection QED redshift is a consequence of QM that forbids the atoms in NPs under TIR to increase in temperature upon absorbing the EM energy of the galaxy photon. QM = quantum mechanics. 5
Classical Physics APRIM th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting - August 18-22, Daejeon Korea 6 Based on classical physics, astronomers assume the single galaxy photon increases the NP temperature ( Even used as source of IR spectra) But QM restrictions deny the atoms in NPs the heat capacity to change in temperature
QM Restrictions Nanoscale kT eV Classical physics (kT > 0) QM APRIM th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting - August 18-22, Daejeon Korea Classical physics is valid only for large particles – not NPs Macroscale 7
Conservation of Energy Lack of heat capacity by QM forbids EM energy conservation in NPs by an increase in temperature, but how does conservation proceed? Proposal Under TIR, QED induces the EM energy of the single galaxy photon to be conserved by emitting light that is redshift depending on NP material and geometry (Blueshift can not occur) APRIM th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting - August 18-22, Daejeon Korea 8
In 1870, Tyndall showed light is confined by TIR in the surface if the refractive index of the body > surroundings. Why important? NPs have high surface to volume ratio. Absorbed EM energy is confined totally in the NP surface to directly excite the TIR mode of the NP. f = (c/n)/ = D E = h f Thin films = 2D TIR Confinement APRIM th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting - August 18-22, Daejeon Korea 9
Expanding Universe? You know: Prior to 1910, the Universe was thought static and infinite In 1916, Einstein‘s theory of relativity required an expanding or contracting Universe About 10 years later, Hubble measured the redshift of galaxy light that by the Doppler Effect was taken as proof of an expanding Universe. But you may not know Cosmic dust of NPs that permeate the ISM can redshift galaxy light without Universe expansion ISM = Interstelllar medium APRIM th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting - August 18-22, Daejeon Korea 10
Redshift Z > 0 without Universe expansion Classical Physics NP Surface Absorption QED under TIR APRIM th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting - August 18-22, Daejeon Korea QED Redshift !!! NP Velocity 11 Redshift Photon o = (1+Z) In ISM, D < 500 nm. Take D = 300 nm, n = 1.5 o = 900 nm Z = 6.4 o Single galaxy photon Lyman Alpha nm
QED Redshift APRIM th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting - August 18-22, Daejeon Korea Ly- = micron Amorphous Silicate: n = 1.5 H- = micron
Redshift v. Wavelength? APRIM th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting - August 18-22, Daejeon Korea 13 Hubble’s redshift by the Doppler effect requires the same Z for ALL wavelengths QED induced Z is not the same for ALL wavelengths Data ? supports Doppler shift at low Z <.05 ( Astrophys J 123, 373-6, 1956) Support for Doppler at high Z is not always reported What to do? To obtain Hubble Z, redshift Z meas is proposed corrected with measured Z for Ly- and H- lines, Z = Z meas – ( ZLy- - ZH- )
Extensions APRIM th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting - August 18-22, Daejeon Korea Based on QED redshift by NPs Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect Time Dilation of Supernovae Explosions Tolman Effect Dark Matter and Energy Galaxy Rotation Problem 14
Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect APRIM th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting - August 18-22, Daejeon Korea The CMB radiation upon interacting with galaxy clusters is found to blue-shift based on the SZE CMB = Cosmic Microwave Background SZE = Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect Z M and SZE M SZE Z But the SZE is found to be independent of redshift Z ? By QED, the redshift Z does not originate inside the collapsing galaxy clusters, but rather from NPs in the path of the galaxy cluster to the observer SZE is indeed independent of Z 15
Supernovae Light Curves APRIM th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting - August 18-22, Daejeon Korea Time dilation of Supernova light curves at low Z that take 20 days to decay will take 40 days to decay at Z =1 (At Invisible Universe - Paris , Adam Reiss argued dilation by Universe expansion) QED redshift differs: Z NPs and NPs M Z M At Z = 1 the SN having larger dust mass M takes a longer time to cool than at low Z Time dilation observed in SN explosions is caused by thermal cooling of the mass M of large particles 16
Tolman Test APRIM th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting - August 18-22, Daejeon Korea Tolman assumed the brightness B of an object is not modified by absorption in cosmic dust 17 Aging of Supernovae spectra drops inversely with (1+Z) Blondin et al., “Time Dilation in Type Ia Supernova Spectra at High Redshift.” Astrophys. J. 682 (2008) 724 QED redshift gives the brightness B o at the observer : B o = hc/ o = hc/(1+Z) = B /(1+Z) QED redshift is consistent with SN spectra at the observer reduced by (1+Z)
Mass of Black Holes APRIM th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting - August 18-22, Daejeon Korea The Doppler effect based on optical spectra from orbiting stars is used to infer the mass of black holes QED redshift suggests the star moving away from us is moving faster than it actually is, thereby highly exaggerating the black hole mass Observer NPs 18
Galaxy Rotation Problem APRIM th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting - August 18-22, Daejeon Korea Cosmic dust asymmetry interpreted as a Doppler shift suggests the galaxy is rotating faster than it actually is. The galaxy rotation problem is an anomaly of cosmic dust. No need for MOND QED redshift suggests amount of dark matter/energy in the Universe inferred from spectra of spiral galaxies is exaggerated. Is Higgs boson necessary? 19
Conclusions APRIM th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting - August 18-22, Daejeon Korea Redshift of light interpreted by the Doppler effect may grossly exaggerate the velocities of galaxies Dark energy/matter necessary to hold the galaxies at high redshift together most likely does not exist Correct redshift measurements Z = Z meas – ( ZLy- - ZH- ) 20
Questions & Papers APRIM th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting - August 18-22, Daejeon Korea 21