© Healthcare Simulation South Carolina healthcaresimulationsc.com USC-Aiken Kay Lawrence, RN, MSN, CCRN
© Healthcare Simulation South Carolina healthcaresimulationsc.com Introduction Who are we? We have a BSN program and RN to BSN program. Currently we have about 250 students enrolled in upper division nursing courses Simulation Center Staff Kay Lawrnce cooridinator Mission: The simulation program of the School of Nursing endeavors to contribute to and compliment the mission of the School of Nursing by integrating high quality hybrid and high fidelity simulation across the nursing curriculum. Simulation is an enhancement and enrichment of other methods of teaching including lecture and clinical experience. The simulated experience may be used to foster confidence in psychomotor skills, enhance critical thinking skills and communication skills and offer practice in low incidence, high risk situations in a safe environment. Simulation is student centered, offering the student an environment in which he or she may engage in active learning and role development. Simulation may also serve as an evaluation tool to assess the integration of knowledge of pathophysiology, communication techniques and nursing skills. Some examples of types of activities included in simulation include but are not limited to: human patient simulators both low and high fidelity and standardized patients.
© Healthcare Simulation South Carolina healthcaresimulationsc.com Top 5 Key Accomplishments 1.Added 2 high fidelity simulators 2.Upgraded hybrid lab with 9 new computers and sim capture equipment 3.Added sim newbie 4.Received a research grant (RISE) to investigate comparison of student newborn assessment skills trained on the newbie vs a real newborn 5.Offered 2 complex simulation experiences to each clinical course 6.Utilized the hybrid lab to teach basic skills to sophomore level nursing students
© Healthcare Simulation South Carolina healthcaresimulationsc.com Major Goals for Upcoming Year Improve scenarios utilized for clinical courses Expand simulations in Community Health and Psych nursing Add higher caliber prestudy materials for each scenario Begin to use sim-capture in our hybrid lab
© Healthcare Simulation South Carolina healthcaresimulationsc.com Describe a few reasons how the collaborative has positively impacted your organization: Students have been wildly enthusiastic We have been able to walk students through situations in simulation that they may not have been able to see in clinical Students have been able to get their hands on and perform procedures they would not have been able to do in the hospital