Bratislava, Project management in EUREA Management of EU programs and projects Martina Jančíková
Contents About us Activities Projects Green Oases Small grants Programme : We are learning in a different way Give a Christmas Ars BRATISLAVENSIS
About us EUREA – non-governmental organization (NGO) for project preparation and management established in 2003 support of regional development in Bratislava's region 73 project proposals submitted 34 approved, 9 still in evaluation the whole grant amount about 102 mil. SKK
Activities project preparation and implementation educational activities - workshops, seminars, excursions consulting activities cross border cooperation (Austria)
Green Oases The second year of the grant program Programme for supporting ideas for helping environment Main idea is restore and revive ecologically valuable areas and trails with cooperation non-profit organizations of villages and schools This year will be divide 2 mil.Sk
Green Oases - For this grant can apply: -Registered non-governmental non-profit organizations -Elementary and secondary schools -Vocational schools -Centers of leisure time -Community centers -Cities and villages too - Dead line for this grant is 12 of November 2007
Green Oases The aim of this project: support of creation permanent care of environmental important regions in cities and villages sustain concept of protection nature you can ask for financial aid for example for building or reconstruction native greenery, cleaning and charring public areas, water courses, keeping care of locality in which are occur unusual and protected classes…′
Small Grants This project supports the International Visegrad Fund (IVF) in the fields of cultural cooperation, scientific exchange and research, education, exchanges between young people, cross-border cooperation and promotion of tourism The maximum contribution of IVF allocated to each Small Grant is up to EUR The maximum time frame of the proposed budget is 6 months Total budget allocated for the Small Grant Programme in 2007 is EUR Deadline for this year is 1st of December
Small Grants General information: The approved budget and available resources Fund‘s financial resources are used to support the activities in this field of: 1.Cultural cooperation (festivals, publications..) 2.Scientific exchanges and research ( conferences, research..) 3.Exchanges between young people (sport, educational or cultural events...) 4.Education (seminars, summer schools) 5.Cross-border cooperation (project taking place on a bordline of two V4 countries) 6.Promotion of tourism ( guides, presentations, fairs)
Small Grants The financial contribution of the Fund can not exceed of 50% of the total project costs including own in kind contribution of applicant or in kind contributions of other co-financing subjects. The maximum time frame of the proposed budget is 6 months'
We are learning in a different way -This is 4th year of grant programme which is designated for high schools -This project is oriented on supporting projects founded activities and initiative of students -The aims for this year are: -Support personal initiative of students in high schools -Creation space for development of their knowledges, facilities and abilities -Consolidation of co-operations between students and teachers and students each other -Change in system of education, change of feeling in lessons -Interconnection between teaching and real life -Support in co-operation between high schools in region
We are learning in a different way Budget allocated for this project is 2. mil. Sk The maximum amount of programme to one project is Sk The applicants can realise projects from December 2007 until half of June 2008 Each high school can submit maximum two projects, but just only one project can be supported The dead line for next year is 30th October 2008′
Give a Christmas · This is 6th year of grant programme which is designed for people who want help to persons in financial destitution ·Total budget allocated to this programme is 1 mil. Sk ·Each of programmes must be realise in time period from 19th until 31st of December ·Project must include: -motivation to implementation -description or characterization of presented persons -how the programme will be realise -your personal interest in this project -another information which is important for considering a project -total budget ·Dead line is 21st November 2007 until 3p.m Each project has to send in 4 copies to their address '
Ars Bratislavensis Grant programme for supporting artistic and culturally activities in Bratislava and activities propagate Bratislava abroad too Financial resources from budget city Bratislava The grants are provide to collectively activities, habituated for young creative persons The maximum amount is 50% of total budget and max Sk Deadline for applications is 30. January 2008'
Each project must consist Description of final situation and total register activities within which you want your aim research Description of function concrete place (how will be all area serve for public) Total area of selected place and description of outline or photography of area... The system of propagation between citizens in your community Total register persons which will be working on this programme Total budget
Relevant advices Innovative and original idea Clever elaboration and viability of programme long-lasting and defensible project Effectively exploitation financial resources Connection between individual items and activity of project Application the results from project into real life
Web pages
Contact Address: Martina Jančíková EUREA, NGO Západný rad Bratislava Tel.: 02/ , -95 Fax: 02/ Web:
Thank you for your attention. I wish you a lot of good ideas and successful projects!