Knowledge in Action: The New Normal in Nursing Abe Oudshoorn June 23, 2015
Twelve Things at Which I Suck Twelve Things at Which I Suck My experiences in the trenches of research. Abe Oudshoorn June 23, 2015
1) Sociology “Power and empowerment: critical concepts in the nurse–client relationship” A brilliant mentor (Dr. Cathy Ward-Griffin)
2) Human Geography “Client–provider relationships in a community health clinic for people who are experiencing homelessness” Colleagues from other places (Dr. Blake Poland)
3) Intervention Research “Evidence-Based Refinement of Health and Social Services: Exploring the Possibilities of Intravention Research” A polymath (Dr. Carol McWilliam)
3) Clinical Education “Using Unfolding Simulations to Teach Mental Health Concepts in Nursing Education” An educator (Barbara Sinclair)
4) Timing “The Scope of Methadone Maintenance Treatment in London Ontario” A media guru (Pat Maloney)
5) Theorizing “Information and Communication Technology use and Wellbeing in the Context of Homelessness” A critical mind (Jodi Hall)
6) Program Evaluation “An Assessment and Evaluation of London CAReS: Facilitating Service Integration Through Collaborative Best Practice” People with lived experience
7) Politics “Medical Respite for Persons Experiencing Homelessness in London” A politician or bureaucrat (Jan Richardson)
8) Literature Reviews “Best Practice Guideline for Ending Women’s and Girl’s Homelessness” Enthusiastic grad students (Amy Van Berkum)
9) Introductions “Framework for Ending Women’s and Girl’s Homelessness” Experts in process (Shelley Yeo)
10) Cross Examinations The “Fair Elections Act” People from other professions (Steven Shrybman)
11) Being Ethical “An Evaluation of Homes 4 Women” A research machine (Dr. Cheryl Forchuk)
12) Ending Homelessness Front-line service providers
The Solo Researcher
Considering the Team 1.A mentor 2.Colleagues across the country 3.Educator 4.Media guru 5.Critical mind 6.People with lived experience 7.Politician 8.Grad students 9.Process expert 10. Other disciplines 11. Research machine 12. Front-line providers
Theory Development Intervention Program Evaluation Policy Development Education
So what am I good at?