As you view this presentation, fill in the following chart
ColonyDate Founded WhoWhyOther interesting detail Lifestyle
Virginia Founded 1607 as JamestownJamestown Who--gentlemen Why—economic opportunity John Smith saved it Southern lifestyle Slavery Slavery Plantation County government
Maryland` Founded Who – Lord Baltimore Why – refuge for Catholics in 1649 the Religious Toleration act passed for all Trinitarians Southern Lifestyle
North Carolina Founded – 1650 Who – eight nobles Why – economic opportunity Grew rice and indigo Southern Lifestyle
South Carolina Founded 1670 Who – 8 nobles Why – Economic Opportunity smaller farms than in North Carolina Southern Lifestyle
Georgia Founded – 1733 (the last of the 13 colonies Who – James Oglethorpe Why Penal Colony Produce silk Be a buffer against the Spanish Flopped because people wanted to drink and own slaves Southern Lifestyle
The New England Colonies Plymouth Founded in 1620 by the Pilgrims Pilgrims Pilgrims wanted to break off from the church of England Wrote the Mayflower Compact which was a step toward self government.Mayflower Compact
Massachusetts 1629 Founded by PuritansPuritans Why— religious freedom Wanted to purify the Church of England New England Life Style Subsistence farms Families Education was important—to read the Bible Town meetings
Rhode Island Founded – 1636 Who – Roger WilliamsRoger Williams Why – Religious Freedom Kicked out of Mass.—he est. a colony where you could believe anything. Lifestyle – New England
New Hampshire Founded – 1637 Who – Rev. Wheelwright Religious Freedom Kicked out of Mass. New England lifestyle
Connecticut Founded – 1636 Who - Rev. Hooker Why – Econ. Opp. & more freedom First written Constitution New England lifestyle
New York Founded – by the Dutch prior after 1626 Taken over by the British in 1664 Who – Dutch Why – economic opportunity Patroons Middle Colony lifestyle Middle size grain farms – the bread basket colonies The most diverse of the colonies A number of port cities
New Jersey Founded – 1664 Who – Lords Why – economic opportunity and religious freedom Some land sold to Quakers Middle Colony lifestyle
Pennsylvania Founded – 1682 Who – William Penn Refuge for Quaker Middle Colony lifestyle
Delaware Founded – by Swedes in the British took over Why - economic opportunity Bought by Pennsylvania Middle Colony lifestyle