UCET Northern Ireland 2011 Teaching Scotlands Future TEACHING SCOTLANDS FUTURE Graham Donaldson CB
To consider the best arrangements for the full continuum of teacher education in Scotland. The Review will consider initial teacher education, induction and professional development, and the interaction between them. TEACHING SCOTLANDS FUTURE
Literature review Call for evidence Teacher survey Structured visits to providers and users Meetings with professional associations Experience elsewhere On-line discussions and events Other professional examples Individual discussions TEACHING SCOTLANDS FUTURE
Strong and respected teaching profession Clear professional standards ITE and Curriculum for Excellence Structured induction Contractual entitlements to CPD Chartered Teacher teacher grade – A number of specific developments in each area Developing ICT infrastructure TEACHING SCOTLANDS FUTURE
School education is one of the most important policy areas for governments across the world. Human capital in the form of a highly educated population is seen as a key determinant of social justice and economic success. Evidence of relative performance internationally has become a key driver of policy. The foundations of successful education lie in the quality of teachers and their leadership. The nature, pace and extent of change in the future will require professional learning to be more the engine than the disseminator of innovation TEACHING SCOTLANDS FUTURE
Curriculum for Excellence Broad, twenty-first century education Deep learning and higher standards Underachievement – basic skills AND A new paradigm of governance and change TEACHING SCOTLANDS FUTURE
Published Jan Recommendations All recommendations accepted by Scottish Government Very wide stakeholder acceptance Endorsed in 4 major political party manifestos Structure and timeline for implementation established Included in remit of Review of Conditions TEACHING SCOTLANDS FUTURE So far....
Key themes School education can realise the high aspirations Scotland has for its young people through supporting and strengthening, firstly, the quality of teaching, and secondly, the quality of leadership. Teaching should be recognised as both complex and challenging, requiring the highest standards of professional competence and commitment. Leadership is based on fundamental values and habits of mind which must be acquired and fostered from entry into the teaching profession. TEACHING SCOTLANDS FUTURE
Key themes (2) The imperatives which gave rise to Curriculum for Excellence still remain powerful and the future well being of Scotland is dependent in large measure on its potential being realised. That has profound and, as yet, not fully addressed implications for the teaching profession and its leadership. Career-long teacher education, which is currently too fragmented and often haphazard, should be at the heart of this process, with implications for its philosophy, quality, coherence, efficiency and impact. TEACHING SCOTLANDS FUTURE
Twenty-first Century Teacher This Review endorses the vision of teachers as increasingly expert practitioners whose professional practice and relationships are rooted in strong values, who take responsibility for their own development and who are developing their capacity both to use and contribute to the collective understanding of the teaching and learning process. It sees professional learning as an integral part of educational change, acting as an essential part of well planned and well researched innovation. TEACHING SCOTLANDS FUTURE
Intended results Reinvigoration of professionalism and a re- conceptualisation of teacher education to reflect this. Rigorous and broadly-based selection of students applying to enter teacher education Concurrent undergraduate degree courses which are both vocationally and academically challenging and which engage students with the wider university Efficient use of time – before, during and after initial teacher education – Early Phase Aligned assessment of students progress. TEACHING SCOTLANDS FUTURE
Intended results (2) Practical experience set in a much more reflective and inquiring culture Make optimum use of ICT for professional learning. A coherent approach to teacher education which is underpinned by a framework of standards which signpost the ways in which professional capacity should grow progressively across a career. Development of leadership qualities from the start and throughout a career. TEACHING SCOTLANDS FUTURE
Intended results (3) A new concept of partnership among universities, local authorities, schools, national agencies and other services which embraces selection, course content and assessment Teacher educators should be directly engaged with practice –theory/research/practice not separate A professional culture within which Masters-level study is the norm A national and local infrastructure which sets, promotes and evaluates teacher education in ways which relate both current practice and innovation to their beneficial impact on learning. TEACHING SCOTLANDS FUTURE
Early Phase establish ethical and value base for teaching Ite first part of career-long learning – not discrete/planned with induction/partnership relevance - address inclusion/ underachievement/ ASN/ behaviour management/ assessment as part of high quality education theory matters integral not complementary/theory through practice reflection and research school experience – quality standards/hub schools TEACHING SCOTLANDS FUTURE
Career-long learning professional standards – coherence/challenge/growth Standard for Active Registration individual/corporate balance local/team-based – move away from isolated set-piece events/widen concept of teacher educator professional review and development – open and reflective / focus on impact on learning TEACHING SCOTLANDS FUTURE
High quality people achieve high quality outcomes for young people. TEACHING SCOTLANDS FUTURE