10 th Grade English Monday 9 Dec Agenda: Next Survivor Challenge: Crossword Challenge 12/13 3 rd Only: Socratic Seminar Group 2 Symbolism Graphic Oragnizer Part 1 Ch 11 Vocab H/W: 1. Finish the HOW paragraph on the blue Symbolism Graphic Organizer if you did not have time to finish in class. It’s due tomorrow – Tuesday, 12/ Chapters 9-12 Vocab Test Thursday, 12/12
Socratic Seminar Learning Targets 1. I can model effective leadership by offering a question, reading a portion of the text out loud, and then restating my question. 2. I can thoughtfully answer a peer’s question. 3. I can experiment with ideas by taking risks in my thinking, and sharing that risky thinking out loud. 4. I can analyze what the Lord of the Flies might symbolize and why. 5. I can analyze what the flies symbolize and why. 6. I can take thorough notes on the powerful insights that are shared in the Socratic Seminar.
Learning Targets Symbolic Analysis 1. I can find a powerful quote that proves an object symbolizes something greater than itself. 2. I can define the concrete object and what it symbolizes by using my blue symbolism handout. 3. I can deconstruct the quote by breaking it into chunks. 4. I can analyze each chunk of the quote by explaining how it proves the object symbolizes something. 5. I can reiterate my point.
Symbolism Graphic Organzier Take out your blue Symbolism Handout and Blue Symbolism Graphic Organizer. Find a quote anywhere from chapters that applies to one of our symbols. Write and analyze 1 quote together. Write and analyze 1 quote on your own.
Ch 11 Vocab Devastated: to destroy or to shatter POS: adjective Sample Sentence : He was devastated by the news of his friend’s death.
Ch 11 Vocab Pinnacle: the top of something, or the highest level attainable POS: noun Sample Sentence: He finally reached the pinnacle of the mountain.
Ch 11 Vocab Mirage: an optical illusion that distorts distant objects POS: noun Sample Sentence: The mirage in the desert made the trees look wavey.
Ch 11 Vocab Talisman: an object thought to possess magic powers that protect a person from evil. A good luck charm. POS: noun Sample Sentence: His talisman protected him from the evil powers of Jack.
Discussion Questions Assignment For each paragraph please include: Topic Sentece Context Sentence Quote (correct MLA) WHY quote matters HOW quote answers the question Example MLA Format for Narration: “Roger advanced upon them as one wielding a nameless authority”(Golding 182). Example MLA when Character is Speaking: “‘Heave! Heave! Heave!’” (Golding 193).