D IRECTIONS Choose one of the following options (next slide) to write about. Of the 2 options, provide at least a 2 page (double space, 12 point, Times New Roman) response. A well developed and continuously supported thesis is essential. Citing and mentioning specific works is supported.
E SSAY OPTIONS 1). Within Lord of the Flies there are key symbols such as the conch, Piggy’s glasses, the pig’s head on a stick, etc. Write an essay discussing three symbols from Lord of the Flies. Explain each symbol’s literal role (for example, the pig’s head was placed on a stick by the hunters as an offering to the beastie) and figurative or symbolic role in the novel (for example, the pig’s head on the stick symbolizes barbarism and irrational fear). Then, explain how each of these three symbols contributes to a key theme or themes.
E SSAY O PTIONS (2). Of the literature we have examined within the Modernism Era, which works best illustrated the mentality and outlook of that time period? Explain and explore at least 3 works that we have covered in class that best displayed key aspects of society within the Modernism Era. Also, how do the 3 works of literature display the change within society compared to prior time periods that we’ve examined? Due Date for all papers, Tuesday June 1 st. No No late exceptions.