York St John University | Interview Processes School partnership involvement with recruitment for secondary PGCE (university and school centred routes) UCET Secondary Committee 6 th June 2013 Keither Parker
York St John University | Context Small secondary provision at YSJ for university centred PGCE Small numbers for school centred PGCE (School Direct) - but new subjects Existing strong partnership with Teaching School and other schools within the Ebor Teaching School Alliance – already involved in interview processes for university centred PGCE
Recent funded collaborative research into existing recruitment/interview strategies: improvements in interview processes for university centred PGCE a model for School Direct (school centred provision) Consistency for QA purposes Context
Interview Processes Key Processes:University centred PGCE School centred PGCE (School Direct) YSJ staff School staff YSJ staffSchool staff Scrutiny of application forms x Invite letters x Prior achievement booklet Interview day: Morning is school based - school tour, teaching activity, staff interview, pupil panel interview Interview day: Afternoon at YSJ: group activity, skills tests, reflection/target setting, tour of university Offer letters – conditions, suggestions, pre-course preparation x
York St John University | Strengths: Building on existing effective practice within the partnership Consistency of interview processes between university centred PGCE and school centred PGCE Quality assurance
York St John University | Challenges: For school centred PGCE interview days: Staffing and expectations Funding of interview days Ownership – processes, documentation Administration – record keeping etc
York St John University | Next steps: Evaluation of procedures Pupil panel training Introduction of Non-cognitive testing
York St John University | Points to note: For school centred PGCE interview days: Low number of applications for maths and science Quality of candidates variable Lack of understanding of what School Direct programme involves – candidate perceptions