COM 3407: Theories of Comedy Theoretical Overview Florida Gulf Coast University Proudly Presents :
Good Morning A Brief History of Comedy Theoretical Overview A Brief History of Comedy Ancient Times Revel Song Road Trips Fertility Festivals Aristotle Comedy is good! Creativity = Imitation –Mimesis –Mimic Learning brings pleasure. Plato Comedy is Bad! Distorts reality, distorts TRUTH Banned from ideal Republic Amos and Andy Exposure for finest black actors. Demeaning to black people Medieval Times Satirical Poets – traveling jesters –The government sucks –The Church is full of hypocrites –It’s more fun to be naughty Celtic Invective Spells –Comedy as Magic –Hurt through embarrassment Carl Hiaasen Write something true about someone and they’re mad for a few minutes. Write something true and funny - you’ve ruined their day. The Modern Study of Comedy Cataloging Ritual Power Artificial Intelligence Why do we laugh?
Theoretical Perspectives
Catharsis Laughter is an explosion of emotion – a release of pressure. Taboo subjects cause the greatest amount of pressure.
Superiority Laughter stems from a feeling of “Sudden Glory” in our superiority to others.
Mechanism Laughter is a social corrective that helps promote social harmony.
Subversion Comedy provides a “free space” for the open mocking of those in power.
Review Comedy is universal, but not taken seriously Several different perspectives on why we laugh The right to “make fun of” is often a flashpoint for societal tension
For Next Mon. Read “Aristotle and Comedy” on the course website.Aristotle and Comedy Quiz #1 next Wed