Care Plan (CP) Team Meeting Notes (As updated during meeting) André Boudreau Laura Heermann Langford (No. 15) Care Plan wiki: HL7 Patient Care Work Group To join the meeting: Phone Number: Participant Passcode: WebEx link is on the wiki (link below) Draft discussion notes included.
Page 2 Agenda for June 8th Update re S&I group progress (Laura) Feedback from WGM in Orlando- Review meeting notes (All) Storyboards (Laura, Danny, Susan) - deferred Care plan situations update (Susan) - deferred Summer period schedule Next meeting agenda
Page 3 Agenda for June 22nd Storyboards (Laura, Danny, Susan) NOTE: this is our top priority deliverable Care plan situations update (Susan) Next meeting(s) agenda
Page 4 Future Topics Review of the ISO CONTSYS work on care plan aspects Review of EHR-S FM R2 work by the HL7 EHR WG Care Plan elements from KP, Intermountain, VA, etc. (Laura) Requirements (André) EA Vs Eclipse: EA is preferred by many: Luigi, +++ Comparison of care plan contents (Ian, Laura) To inform the information model Start of spreadsheet (Laura…) Overarching term to use (Ian M.) Care Plan Glossary Forward plan- first cut
Page 5 Participants- WGM Meetg of p1 Name Country YesNotes André Boudreau CA Yes Co-Lead- Care Plan initiative/HL7 Patient Care WG. B.Sc.(Physics), MBA. Owner Boroan Inc. Management Consultin. Chair, Individual Care pan Canadian Standards Collaborative Working Group (SCWG). Sr project manager. HL7 EHR WG. Laura Heermann Langford US Yes Co-Lead- Care Plan initiative/HL7 Patient Care WG. Intermountain Healthcare. RN PhD,: Nursing Informatics; Emergency Informatics Association, American Medical Informatics Association; IHE Stephen Chu AU Yes NEHTA-National eHealth Transition Authority. RN, MD, Clinical Informatics; Clinical lead and Lead Clinical Information Architecture; co-chair HL7 Patient care WG; vice-chair HL7 NZ Peter MacIsaac AU HP Enterprise Services. MD; Clinical Informatics Consultant; IHE Australia; Medical Practitioner - General Practice Adel Ghlamallah CA Canada Health Infoway. SME at Infoway (shared health record); past architect on EMR projects William Goossen NL Results 4 Care B.V. RN, PhD; -chair HL7 Patient Care WG at HL7; Detailed Clinical Models ISO TC 215 WG1 and HL7 ; nursing practicioner Anneke Goossen NL Results 4 Care B.V. RN; Consultant; Co-Chair Technical Committee EHR at HL7 Netherlands; Member at IMIA NI; Member of the Patient Care Working Group at HL7 International Ian Townsend UK NHS Connecting for Health. Health Informatics; Senior Interoperability Developer, Data Standards and Products; HL7 Patient Care Co-Chair Rosemary Kennedy US Thomas Jefferson University School of Nursing. RN; Informatics; Associate Professor; HL7 EHR WG; HL7 Patient care WG; terminology engine for Plan of care; Jay Lyle US JP Systems. Informatics Consultant; Business Consultant & Sr. Project Manager Margaret Dittloff US The CBORD Group, Inc.. RD (Registered Dietitian); Product Manager, Nutrition Service Suite; HL7 DAM project for diet/nutrition orders; American Dietetic Association Audrey Dickerson US HIMSS. RN, MS; Standards Initiatives at HIMSS; ISO/TC 215 Health Informatics, Secretary; US TAG for ISO/TC 215 Health Informatics, Administrator; Co-Chair of Nursing Sub-committee to IHE-Patient Care Coordination Domain. Ian McNicoll UK Ocean Informatics. Health informatics specialist; Formal general medical practitioner; OpenEHR; Slovakia Pediatrics EMR; Sweden distributed care approach Danny Probst US Yes Intermountain Healthcare. Data Manager Kevin Coonan US Yes MD. Emergency medicine. HL7 Emergency care WG. Gordon Raup US CTO, Datuit LLC (software industry). Susan Campbell USYes PhD microbiologist. Principal at Care Management Professionals. HL7 Dynamic Care Plan Co-developer Elayne Ayres US NIH National Institutes of Health. MS, RD; Deputy Chief, Laboratory for Informatics Development, NIH Clinical Center ; Project manager for BTRIS (Biomedical Translational Research Information System), a Clinical Research Data Repository
Page 6 Participants- WGM Meetg of p2 Name Country Yes Notes David Rowed AU Charlie Bishop UK Walter Suarez US Peter Hendler US Ray Simkus CA Lloyd Mackenzie CALM&A Consulting Ltd. Serafina Versaggi US Clinical Systems Consultant Sasha Bojicic CALead architect, Blueprint 2015, Canada Health Infoway Agnes Wong CA RN, BScN, MN, CHE. Clinical Adoption - Director, Professional Practice & Clinical Informatics, Canada Health Infoway Cindy Hollister CA RN, BHSc(N), Clinical Adoption -Clinical Leader, Canada Health Infoway Valerie Leung CAPharmacist. Clinical Leader, Canada Health Infoway Luigi Sison USYes Information Architect at LOINC and at HL7. Enterprise Data Architect at VA. Developing standard for Detailed Clinical Models (DCM), information models for Electronic Health Record (EHR) Diabetes Project, etc. Brett Esler AUPen Computer Sys Catherine Hoang US VA Hugh Leslie Seam Heard Tom KuhnSr. Systems Architect at American College of Physicians Mona ??? ??Yes
Page 8 S&I Framework Transition of Care sub-group, also some 20 others, uncoordinated New Web site: Close liaison by Laura, and exchange of material S&IF: Moving very fast, dedicated resources Timeline driven, HITAC Act MU Phase 2 may be delayed; their specs being developed independent of the S&IF work! Quality of deliverables is unknown and may not be a priority given the deadline they have They like the dynamic care plan and the ad hoc communication of care plans Not at the technical level Use CCR, CCD, CDA
Page 9 Other Comments ONC Policy Committee (Susan) They are backing off from the concept of a longitudinal care plan History of encounters
Page 11 Discussion- WGM Care Plan Meeting See updates. Additional discussion notes: Need to get close to EHR-S FM R2 o We need to understand functional requirements to best define interchanged information o Plan review of relevant R2 contents with EHR WG rep. Will there be links to Orders in the care plan messages? o We need links to events o We need to position interchanged information in the context of continuity of care o In nursing, not all details are documented o We need to keep away from implementation aspects and from the applications that are used to prepare and update care plans
Page 13 Storyboards Home Care: André: yes Reviewed and updated Deferred after WGM Acute Care Plan Storyboard: Danny o In progress Perinatology: Laura Stay healthy: Laura Pediatric and Allergy/Intolerance: Susan : André to update Storyboard document with material from Danny and Susan
Page 15 Meetings During the Summer Period We will move to a meeting every second week until the end of August. Schedule is: June 22 July 6 July 20 August 3 August 17 We will keep the intermediate slot in place in case we want to use them for specific cases like… Review of the ISO CONTSYS work on care plan aspects Review of EHR-S FM R2 work by the HL7 EHR WG
Page 17 Action Items as of No.Action Items By Whom For When Status 2.Do an inventory of use cases and storyboard on hand Laura (Danny) Active: Underway 3.Ask William for an update (add in a diff colour to the appropriate pages)André Outstanding - Request made 5Obtain OK from ISO to use their CONTSYS work on Care Plan for our work Stephen/ William Reformulated 9Draft a new PSS and review with project groupAndréDeferred 10Complete a first draft of requirementsAndréStarted 12Complete storyboardsMultiStarted 14Send updated summer scheduleAndré NB: Completed action items have been removed.