Reform of the System Jon Coles HEPI Conference 7 October 2008
Far from having too many young people getting qualifications, we have too few Source: Skills Audit Update, Steedman et al, DfES Research Report 548, 2004
And non-educational factors continue to have a significant effect on attainment at 19 Did not Attain Level 2 at 15Attained Level 2 at 15 Source: YCS cohort 12
Rising attainment at the top end is a long term trend Source: SFR 26/205 GCE/VCE A/AS EXAMINATION RESULTS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE IN ENGLAND, 2003/04
But now, more are achieving L3
We aim for a system where all young people can prepare to succeed in life A world class system means: –90% participation –Achievement levels to match –Breaking down the link between deprivation and low achievement Implementation requires a new entitlement: –Mastery of the basics for all –Better curriculum choices, which build in progression routes and achieve recognition – all 14 Diplomas available everywhere –More stretching routes –Every young person engaged, stretched to achieve
HE has asked for significant changes – and there is great commonality with the views of employers Students with better generic skills and no need of remedial support Students with more experience of in-depth, extended study Less atomised and more synoptic assessment More help with differentiation Qualifications and curriculum designed with their needs in mind Help to widen participation
New Diplomas Are a significant part of the response to universities as well as employers Provide a new style of learning, combining the best of theory and practice Secure a good grounding in the fundamentals of English, maths and ICT Will develop the personal, learning and thinking skills at all levels Include an extended project Provide an opportunity for greater stretch, breadth and tailoring through additional/ specialist learning Cover the main sectors of the economy, but are not occupationally specific
Reform of A levels is also significant New A level specifications are being taught now: –They reduce the number of units in most A levels from 6 to 4 –Increase the volume of synoptic assessment –Add more stretching questions – more extended writing, greater variety of question stem etc –Introduce a new extended project as on the Diplomas route