MAGIC Gabrielle Allen, Richard Carlson, Grant Miller September 13, 2011 Large Scale Networking (LSN) FY12 Annual Planning Meeting
14 September 2010 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Slide 2 Monthly information exchange meetings Participating Agencies: DOE, NSF, EPA, NARA, NIH, NASA MAGIC Forums and Workshops Please supply relevant URLs
14 September 2010 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Slide 3 Status of MAGIC Tasking for Prior Year Tasking: Track developments in Cloud Computing for science and foster discussions on Identity Management needs for U.S. science communities Response: MAGIC received10 briefings from researchers at the monthly MAGIC meetings in the areas of Grid Computing, Cloud Computing, and Identify Management Slide 3
14 September 2010 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Slide 4 Please supply relevant URLs Slide 4 Implications of Grid/Cloud Computing on Large Scale Networking Potential Scenario for Achieving Extreme Scale Collaborative Science: Science communities identify codes that can run effectively in Grid/Cloud computing environment. The science community also develops a virtual machine that contains the run time environment needed to run these codes. Grid/Cloud providers deploy compute clusters with Hypervisor based Operating Systems to support Virtual Machines. Providers also provide mechanisms that import science virtual machines. Scientists take advantage of Grid/Cloud middleware and hardware to run compute tasks. The compute resources used vary in response to the needs of the science community.
14 September 2010 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Slide 5 Please supply relevant URLs MAGIC Joint or Multiagency LSN Activities, Including Planning and Coordination Information exchange through joint forums and workshops with other CGs Grid/Cloud Computing: Address open standards for Grid/Cloud services Auditing of Identity Management activities Virtual Machine standardization activities Hyperviser standardization activities Security and trust for Web services and cloud computing Consider a workshop to discuss trends and directions in Identity Management for web and non-web based services