United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine CALIFORNIA ORANGE EXPORT PROGRAM TO KOREA REVIEW OF REGULATORY & DOCUMENTATION ISSUES
United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine CALIFORNIA ORANGE EXPORT PROGRAM TO KOREA Record Keeping Duplicate Lot Numbers Spray Records Phyto Certificates (PCIT & User Fee) Regulatory Fruit Sampling ( Field & Packhouse) Inspections, Investigations & Surveys Korea Inspector visits
United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine CALIFORNIA ORANGE EXPORT PROGRAM TO KOREA Record Keeping –Grower Lot List - only growers & lots for the Korea Export Program (do not provide list of all growers in the packhouse, only Korea Export growers) –Pesticide Use Reports – show lot number on file copy as shown in example from guideline book. (sprays must be within required timelines) –NAVEK – current lab sample reports (45 days) –Records must be kept current and together
United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine CALIFORNIA ORANGE EXPORT PROGRAM TO KOREA Record Keeping (cont) –Phyto inspection after records review requires 2% representative sample from each grower lot in the shipment –Grower lots must match the Phyto Certificate, Sample Pallet (and tag). KOR must be marked on boxes and paperwork for fruit with origin in Fresno & Tulare, and N. Kern County sampled under the NAVEK Program. –No KOR markings for lots originating in other counties or outside designated areas is required. –Cartons of fruit for Korea Export must be clearly marked with lot numbers, and shipper packer information. Those not legible or missing lot numbers will be rejected.
United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine CALIFORNIA ORANGE EXPORT PROGRAM TO KOREA Duplicate Lot Numbers –Lot numbers identified on NAVEK sample forms or Grower Lot List remain the same for the season (no changes) –Reparticipantion lot numbers must be the same number as used last season –Should duplicate lot numbers be noted during records review the duplicate last entered would need to be changed.
United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine CALIFORNIA ORANGE EXPORT PROGRAM TO KOREA Spray Records –Pesticide Use Reports need Lot number on the form (in margin or open area on form (see sample in Korea book) –Spray records must show the required treatments were applied prior to deadline from the NAVEK/CCQC Alerts –Records of required treatment must be available for review after harvest, at phytosanitary certification, and inspection visits.
United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine CALFIORNIA ORANGE EXPORT PROGRAM TO KOREA Phyto Certificates (PCIT & User Fees) –Phyto certification can only be done when all required documents are present and user fees paid at time of issuance. –PCIT (electronic phyto) is encouraged to minimize errors and pay user fee. –Last season we experienced six shipment rejections due to errors on phytos (i.e. phyto, carton, sample pallet) –Good work from industry to reduce paperwork rejections from 22 previous season.
United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine CALIFORNIA ORANGE EXPORT PROGRAM TO KOREA Regulatory Fruit Sampling Samples of suspect fruit collected during season from groves in Fresno, Tulare, N. Kern Counties, all positive lots last season from NAVEK test, and on arrival in Korea (mandatory under work plan, retest within 45 days of initial testing) _New requirement for N. Kern county is all lots for export to Korea located north of Highway 178/58 must be NAVEK tested (must show KOR prefix to lot number) _Orchards outside designated area in N. Kern county encouraged to volunteer NAVEK for testing fruit.
United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine CALIFORNIA ORANGE EXPORT PROGRAM TO KOREA Regulatory Fruit Sampling (cont) Samples collected in groves, packing houses, during special surveys, or investigations by regulatory personnel (APHIS, State/County, NPQS) Re-participation sampling for those lots found positive last two seasons. (must use same lot numbers) –If re-participation lot found positive three consecutive years, it is suspended for export to Korea for three years. (pending consultation between NPQS/APHIS)
United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine CALIFORNIA ORANGE EXPORT PROGRAM TO KOREA Inspections, Investigations, Surveys –Inspections by NPQS, APHIS, State/County may review grower lot list, require spray records, NAVEK sample records and shipment information for compliance with work plan. –Investigations on shipment rejections in Korea If for paperwork may result in temporary suspension of packing house until investigation complete/corrective action taken (goal is to complete investigation within 24 hrs) If for detection of Septoria citri lot is rejected, review of spray/sample records and or visit to orchard
United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine CALIFORNIA ORANGE EXPORT PROGRAM TO KOREA Inspections, Investigations, Surveys (cont) –Surveys may require more detail such as information about spray interval, interplant of two or more varieties, use of gib, or other information necessary for the purpose of the survey
United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine CALIFORNIA ORANGE EXPORT PROGRAM TO KOREA Korea NPQS Inspector visits –All records required on citrus lots exported to Korea must be made available for review when requested (do not provide copies or allow photos of records by Korea inspectors, refer request to APHIS) –Trained technician must be present during the Korea Inspector visit both field/packing house (technician must remain with the Korea Inspector until visit is completed)
United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine CALIFORNIA ORANGE EXPORT PROGRAM TO KOREA QUESTIONS DISCUSSION For additional information: –Review the requirements in the guideline book, check CCQC web site, review on line EXCERPT or contact program regulatory personnel in the Contact List from the guideline book. –Primary Contact for the California Orange Export Program to Korea is John Iniguez USDA, APHIS, PPQ Plant Health Safeguard Specialist at (559)