Chapter 7: Data sources and data compilation strategies Leonardo Souza United Nations Statistics Division The 4 th meeting of the Oslo Group on energy statistics Ottawa, Canada, 2-6 February 2009
Chapter 7 This chapter is intended for general recommendations on data sources and data compilation strategies in energy statistics More detailed guidance on the technical matters and good country practices is to be provided in ESCM The Oslo Group is invited to comment on the outline of the chapter given below. The content of Chapter 7 will depend on the decisions taken with respect to the topics covered in the previous chapters such as boundary of energy sector and the reference list of data items.
Structure of the chapter A. A.Data sources 1. 1.Statistical data sources 2. 2.Administrative data sources B. Data compilation strategies
A. Data sources Statistical surveys Overview of censuses and sample surveys Types of surveys (enterprise/establishment surveys, households surveys, mixed households-enterprise surveys, ad-hoc energy surveys) Compilation methods (data editing, validation, imputation, estimation, dealing with non response and grossing-up procedures) Scope, coverage and frequency of surveys
Administrative data Overview of administrative data for use in energy statistics Advantages and disadvantages of administrative data Legal and institutional constraints with respect to confidentiality
B. Data compilation strategies Institutional arrangements Legal framework for energy statistics National systems for energy statistics (comparisons and recommendations for improvement) Principles guiding effective arrangements Integrated approach to energy statistics compilation (using data from different stat. surveys) Dealing with various kind of enterprises (e.g. branches of foreign companies) Merging administrative data sources and stat. surveys Data compilation strategies and quality assurance
Questions The Oslo group is invited to provide comments on outline presented provide other comments/suggestions