1 KickOff Meeting Luxembourg, 26th January 2012 Launching Work Packages 1 y 2 Jesús P. García Montes IDAE – General Secretary – Planning and Studies Department PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS MASTERHOUSE
2 Contents PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS 1. Introduction to the project a) The project b) Partner involvement and tasks 2. Work Package 1: Management of the project 3. Work Package 2: Review of current international methodological handbooks, guidelines and practices Global inventory. Compendium inventory. Standardized methodology. Operational list of definitions. Manual structure.
4 1.- Introduction: partner involvement and tasks PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS IDAEST ATCBSSORSDECC Coordinator and partnerPartner WP1: Management General CoordinationYes Interim reportYesReview Final reportYesReview Planning activities & controlYes Working meetingsYes WP2: Review of current international methodological handbooks, guidelines and practices Global InventoryYes Compendium InventoryYes Standardize methodologyYes Operational list of definitionsYes Manual structureYes WP3: Produce the chapters of the manual Chapter draftsYes Manual draftYes Draft reviewYes General reviewYes Final reviewYes Eurostat approvalYes WP4: Dissemination (Part 1) Production high-quality publication on energy statistics for household consumption Pdf draftYes Review pdf draftYes Eurostat approvalYes Production pdfYes Work package 5: Dissemination (Part 2) - Training LogisticYes Training material: manual, exercises and assessmentYes Training (teachers, etc.)Yes
5 2.- Work package 1: Management of the project. Task and deliverables PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS IDAEST ATCBSSORSDECC WP1: Management Coordinator and partner Partner General CoordinationYes Interim reportYesReview Final reportYesReview Planning activities & controlYes Working meetingsYes ProductsDescriptionMonth 1 Newsletter 1:State of project. Communication line with NSi of MSapr/12 2 Newsletter 2:State of project. Communication line with NSi of MSago/12 3 Newsletter 3:State of project. Communication line with NSi of MSdic/12 4 Interim reportSituation of the project, advance of results, problems found and solutionsjan/13 5 Newsletter 4:State of project. Communication line with NSi of MSapr/13 6 Newsletter 5:State of project. Communication line with NSi of MSago/13 7 Newsletter 6:State of project. Communication line with NSi of MSdec/13 8 Final report Development of the project, description of the approach, methodologies, obtained results and conclusions dec/13 1. Method: IDAE will send to the partners documents drafts for comments and contributions before elaborating the final versions. Each country will be responsible for organizing his working meetings.
6 3.- Work package 2: Review of current international methodological handbooks, guidelines and practices. Tasks and deliverables PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS IDAEST ATCBSSORSDECC WP2: Review of current international methodological handbooks, guidelines and practices Coordinator and partner Partner Global InventoryYes Compendium InventoryYes Standardized methodologyYes Operational list of definitionsYes Manual structureYes ProductDescriptionMonth 1Global inventory Situation energy statistics in households sector in EU’s MS and identifying the best practices used to draft detailed statistics in the residential sector Jun/12 2Compendium inventory Inventory documented and referenced of good practices detected in the global inventory Jun/12 3Standardized methodology Development of methodologies based on good practices possible to apply in UE’s MS Aug/12 4Operational list definitions Review list variables Task Force 2008 and new operational list with definitions and clarifying examples Jul/12 5Manual structureDetermination contents and structures of the ManualSep/12
1. Objectives: To determine and to update the situation of the energy statistics of the household sector in each country of the EU To identify the best practices used to elaborate detailed energy statistics of the household sector in EU countries and in other countries or organisms. 2. Actions: Compilation of existing information in Eurostat and in Eurostat Energy Statistics. Contact with all NSis of EU countries to update their situation and identify best practices and with international countries and organisms to collect them. Design of 2 questionnaires: for EU countries and, also, other countries/organisms. Design the contents of the country profile. 3. Method: IDAE will design drafts and will send them to the partners to agree on the final version of: Both questionnaires. Contents of the country profiles. Each partner will be responsible to send and to manage the answer of the assigned countries/organizations. Finalized the information compilation, each country will send to the coordinator: The questionnaires. A report with the “country profile” of each assigned country. 7 PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS 3.1- WP 2: Global Inventory
WP 2: Global Inventory - Geographical coverage PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS Country/Organismnecessary?Partner 1 Bulgaria 2 Czech Republic 3 Estonia 4 Hungary 5 Ireland 6 Latvia 7 Lithuania 9 Luxemburg 10 Malta 11 Romania 12 Slovakia 13 Japan 14 New Zealand 1. Questions to discuss: Is it necessary all this geographical coverage? Is it possible to simplify? Partners CountriesIDAEST ATCBSSORS Austria X Belgium X Bulgaria CyprusX Czech Republic Denmark X Estonia Finland X FranceX Germany X GreeceX Hungary Ireland ItalyX Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands X PolandX PortugalX Romania Slovakia Slovenia X SpainX Sweden X United Kingdom X Australia X Canada X Japan New Zealand Norway X Switzerland X United States X AIEX ONU X TOTAL84632 IDAE proposal88758
1. Objectives: To document an inventory of best practices detected in the Global Inventory. 2. Actions: IDAE will send to the partners a proposal of best practices to include in the compendium in function of the information received in the Global inventory and the requirements of Task Force At the next working meeting of May 2012 all partners will agree on the first version of the final compendium inventory. 3. Considerations for the compendium Best practices included in the compendium should cover most of the elements detected in the Task Force Special attention to: Best practices that help to inform on energy poverty. Surveys. Modeling activities. Techniques of information integration. 9 PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS 3.2- WP 2: Compendium inventory
1. Objectives: To fit and to typify each group of best practices (surveys, modelling, integration of information, administrative documentation) in a common norm applicable to the situations of the EU. To determine groups of countries with similar state-of-the-art detailed energy statistics on the residential sector. To determine the solutions to apply based on the situation of each group of countries. 2. Actions: Each partner will send to the coordinator his point of view and his experience on the standardization of the following techniques: Surveys. Modeling. Integration information. Administrative documentation. Before next meeting in May 2012, IDAE will send to the partners a draft of Standardized methodology. In meeting of May 2012 a first version of the standardized methodology will be approved. This first version will be sent to all EU NSis for comments. Finally, will all the opinions of all the NSis and partners of the project a final version of standardized methodology will be completed. 10 PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS WP 2: Standardized methodology
1. Objectives: To have a common definition of variables and concepts based on Task force Also to provide common definitions for new items in the residential area such as renewables and energy poverty. 2. Actions: IDAE will elaborate in February a draft of operational list with definitions that will sent to the partners for comments by 1st of March. IDAE will receive the commentaries of each partner and will elaborate a first version of operational lists definitions. First version will be aproved in working meeting in May Each partner will send the first version of operational list definitions to NSis at his charge and transmit to the coordinator the NSis’s comments. 11 PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS WP 2: Operational list definitions
1. Objectives To determine the structure and contents of the manual. 2. Considerations The manual must not have more than 200 pages. IDAE proposal: manual has 4 differentiated parts: Part 1: households consumption, identification of services and uses, information needs and definitions (the operational list) and situation of the energy statistics in the household sector in the EU (groups of countries with similar situation). Part 2: presentation of the different techniques of approach and disaggregation of the households consumption: top-down, bottom-up, surveys, measures, modeling, information integration (data matching), disaggregation techniques, extrapolation techniques, etc. Part 3: international best practices. Part 4: suggestions to progress from the national situations towards a common EU methodology. 12 PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS WP 2: Manual structure
3. Proposal of chapters: 1. Background 2. Households consumption: Identify services and uses into the houses 3. Information needs and definitions 4. Situation of the energy statistics in the residential sector in the EU 5. Approach methodologies a. Top-down approach: information from suppliers b. Bottom-up approach: surveys and measures. c. Modeling approach d. Others 6. Disaggregation techniques: arithmetic, modeling… 7. Survey techniques: type, sample sizing, organization, evaluation, estimating measurement errors … 8. Interpolation techniques and modeling for annual data. 9. Consideration of the renewable energies: solar panels, biomass, geothermal, etc… 10. International best-practices a. Top-down best practices b. Bottom-up approach best practices c. Modeling approach best practices d. Integration Top-down/Bottom-up/Modeling best practices 11.From national practices towards EU comparable methodology: suggestions 12.Energy fuel poverty 13.Use of administrative data and data matching 14.Literature and references 4.Questions to discuss: a) Do all we agree with this structure?, alternative structure? b) Has some country a special interest in writing a concrete chapter totally or partially? 13 PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS WP 2: Manual structure
14 PRODUCTION OF A MANUAL FOR STATISTICS ON ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN HOUSEHOLDS Agreements AgreementDescriptionResponsibleDead line 1Discuss to WP2All partnersNext Friday 2Design contents of questionnaires (2)IDAENext friday
15 Thank you very much for your attention