Indicator 1 – Graduation Indicator 2 – Dropout Rates Indicator 3 – Assessment Indicator 4 – Suspension/Expulsion Indicator 5 – School Age LRE Indicator 6 – Preschool LRE Indicator 7 – Preschool Outcomes Indicator 8 – Parent Involvement Indicator 9 – Disproportionality Indicator 10 – Disproportionality Indicator 11 – Child Find Indicator 12 – Early Childhood Transition Indicator 13 – Secondary Transition Indicator 14 – Post-School Outcomes Indicator 15 – Identification and Correction of Noncompliance Indicator 16 – Complaint Timelines Indicator 17 – Due Process Timelines Indicator 18 – Hearing Requests Resolved by Resolution Sessions Indicator 19 – Mediation Agreements Indicator 20 – State Reported Data
13. Improve transition services for students with disabilities at age 16 [now age 14] and above 14. Improve the outcomes for students moving from secondary to postsecondary activities State expects100% compliance for these two indicators Conducting exit surveys and post-exit surveys
IEP Results Process for Transition Services Includes: Courses of study Includes: Instruction Related services Community experiences Employment and other post- school adult living objectives When appropriate: Daily living skills Functional vocational evaluation Step I Measurable Post-secondary Goals Step II: Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance Step III: Transition Services Step IV: Measurable Annual Goals Age- appropriate transition assessments Training Education Employment Independent Living Skills – where appropriate O’Leary, E., 2005 © Copyright
Formal and/or informal assessments which: ◦ Provide relevant information about the student in relation to key areas of transition planning ◦ Provide information about the student’s current levels of functional performance ◦ Indicate appropriate accommodations to support student success ◦ Provide a basis for measurable postsecondary goals ◦ Provide a basis for measurable annual goals
Combination of formal and informal to reflect the following areas: ◦ Interests ◦ Preferences ◦ Aptitudes ◦ Abilities It is considered a transition assessment if it is important or pertinent to post-school goals Assessments may overlap in providing information relevant to more than one area of the transition plan.
Standardized tests measure student abilities ◦ SAT ◦ ACT ◦ ERB ◦ PSSA ◦ Woodcock-Johnson Aptitude tests measure student capabilities ◦ IQ tests ◦ During the re-evaluation year, at least one formal assessment needs to be administered
Student surveys/interviews Parent surveys/interviews Observations Teacher questionnaires Work samples Curriculum-Based Assessments Functional Behavioral Assessments Situational assessments Progress monitoring probes
Formal and informal assessments with a vision of the student’s ultimate goal: ◦ Standardized tests ◦ Anecdotal input from teachers, students, and parents ◦ Curriculum based assessments ◦ Strengths and needs must be bulleted, not in paragraph form, and have transition statements in the needs
See hand out ◦ Should say “has the goal” ◦ Can’t say not a need ◦ Example: Jane has the goal of independent living without supports.
Must be listed in the IEP. The courses the student will take in order to achieve postsecondary goals. Should be listed for each of the 3 areas Can be repeated For example: ◦ Post-secondary education- College Prep. English, Algebra 2, American History, Chemistry ◦ Employment- Office Applications, College Prep English, child development, psychology ◦ Independent living- Cooking, Sewing, Art, Child Development
At least one activity needs to relate to IEP goal See handout Person responsible can be parent, counselor, student, teacher Should keep a running list so that at graduation it is evident the activities that student has completed to prepare for life after high school.
Must contain four parts: ◦ Condition – when, where, how ◦ Student’s name ◦ Observable behavior no fuzzy words ◦ Criteria 100% of the time on 5 observed consecutive opportunities ◦ Ideally contains a baseline
What are Phillip/Julia’s transition assessments? What were the conclusions? Where does Phillip/Julia want to be after graduation? What are the classes, services, training, accommodations to get Phillip/Julia there? What is Phillip/Julia going to do to get there?