INSERT NICE PICTURE OF RIVERSIDE DRIVE HERE Wenatchee Waterfront Local Revitalization Financing Public Participation Plan
List of Projects (make 4 slides) Pybus Orondo Gateway (Pic from Sub-Area Plan) Marina Parking at (9 th and Walla Walla)
LRF Funding Review LRF Brownfield RCO Section 108 EDA DOE
LRF Implementation / Public Process NEXT STEPS Provide Public Information on Pybus Market Schematic Design for Orondo Gateway DOE - Integrated Planning Grant (Potential 2010) Update TBA – Plan For Ultimate Land Use Develop a Remedial Action Plan
Introduction Objectives Continued Implementation of the Waterfront Area Plan Through Local Revitalization Financing (LRF) for Potential Projects located in the “South Node” Revitalization and Adaptive Reuse of Property for Public and Private Use. Increased Information on LRF to the Public and Development Community Establish Consensus Vision, Based on Public Input, for Potential LRF Projects: Pybus Market, Orondo Gateway, Green Marina. Indentify and Secure Additional Funding Sources – TBA Grant, IPG Grant, Section 108 Loan, EPA/DOE, EDA, Dept. of Ecology, RCO Establish Project Priorities and Timelines Coordinate Construction Timelines to Meet Increment Goal.
Public Involvement Public Notices And Information Dissemination Mailing to All Properties and Interest Groups Located in the LRF District Informational Campaign Through City Website, Press Releases to Local Media, Surveys, Public Meetings, Establishment of a Mailing List Events & Forums Joint Planning Commission and City Council Meeting to Discuss Individual Planning/Visioning Process. Additional Public Involvement Methods Public Design Competition of the Orondo Gateway - In Style of the Apple Capital Sign Design Competition Public Tours of Project Sites