The lecture object: to acquaint of students with fundamental components of human ecology, the questions of a dependence of population health indexes from contemporary conditions and environment; to describe the main problems in the sphere of medical ecology; to show the role of a physician in a solution of this problems.
It was considered the concept “human ecology” as multi-factor system, including both an environment objects and social-economical factors. The peculiar actuality of an environment pollution in the contemporary conditions was accentuated. It was considered the characteristic of areas (with Uzbekistan as an example) in depending on a causes of happened changes and a character of an environment pollution ( the ecological damages zones, the ecological disaster zones, the ecological tension zones, the zones of an action of low intensiveness factors). Possible consequences of a pollution influence in different areas for population health were characterized..
It were considered the main medical problems, connected with a change of the human environment ( the problem of ecologic factors regulation, the problem of the human ecology factors significance evaluation, the necessity of a measure elaboration for a mollification of the action of contemporary human ecology factors.
The main issue in this topic 1.Modern human ecology, its components 2.Health and environmental conditions 3.Main medical ecology problems in modern conditions
The concept of ecology (Ernest Haeckel, 1866) «Ecology - the science that studies the complexities of relationships and relationships in nature, considered by Charles Darwin as the conditions of the struggle for existence." «human ecology" - as part of the overall ecology was first isolated in 1921 by American sociologists R.Parkom and E. Burgess
The modern concept of human ecology (ech) (Treasurers VP, 1987) Human Ecology - complex scientific and scientific- practical direction concerning the interaction of human populations from the surrounding social and natural environment (ie, the person with the environment!) ech examines the social and natural human interaction with the operating system, the problems of the population in order to maintain its health and performance, improve physical and mental capabilities of human
The main characteristics of the human environment (Op ) climate and geographical features Socio-economic indicators Social and Demographic and Health Indicators Indicators infrastructure op health indicators op
The contribution of different factors in the risk of health problems of the urban population (Yu.D.Gubernsky, 1985) Environmental factors peopleactually load,% Social and lifestyle factors54-55 Biological factors of11,0 Urban and countryside medium16,5 Work environment18,5
Pyramid population responses to environmental factors environment (for example, environmental pollution)
Op and disease populations 1 group: the diseases for which the causative factors are op (endemic goiter, fluorosis, IDA, specific occupational diseases, etc.) 2gruppa: diseases and conditions for which adverse conditions op are risk factors (reduction of resistance, genetic disorders, non- specific respiratory diseases, diseases of cardiovascular system, the National Assembly, the digestive system, skin diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, etc. - ie. of most diseases!)
Social and health monitoring environment and health monitoring has as its mission to eliminate or reduce harmful effects of environmental factors on human health, based on systematic monitoring of performance of the human environment and the appropriate correction on the basis of accounting hygiene
1,2,3-I prevention Primary prevention - prevention of disease and any adverse changes in the body based on the improvement of the human environment Secondary prevention, pre-disease diagnosis, prevention of its clinical manifestations Tertiary prevention, prevention of deterioration of the patient on the basis of treatment, rehabilitation and improvement of conditions and way of life of patients
Medical Ecology (DOE) ME - part of human ecology, which has its primary aim of improving health outcomes, taking into account the factors effect on the body of the human environment (Op) The most important contemporary issues related to the medical environment pollution!
The bases for judging the risk of pollution Environment: numerous complaints from people living in a polluted environment, the smells, headache, general malaise and other discomfort; health statistics showing rising trends in morbidity and mortality in the affected areas; data from special studies aimed to quantify the relationship between environmental pollution and its effects on the body.
The main difficulties in identifying the relationship in the "Environment - Health" the possibility of non-additive effects and non-linearity of the relationship; very long lag symptoms responses (delay responses to the exposure time); often mediated effects; effect of mutual aggravation under the influence of several factors;
The main difficulties in identifying the relationship in the "Environment - Health" (continued) individual characteristics of the body, primarily manifested in different sensitivity and susceptibility to environmental factors, or contrary to the increased resistance; frequent imprecision and inaccuracy of official statistics; technical difficulties related to the organization of environment-oriented data collection and processing.
The most important problems of Medical ecology hygienic problems: And hygienic regulation of complex or combined effects on the human factors of modern operating systems Development of methodological approaches that evaluate the risk of the combined action with the excess as hygienic regulations and possible changes in the body. To date, there were developing, in which as the hazard criteria of the environmental situation uses complex environmental quality in standard scores, calculated based on the excess of each factor takes into account the relevant hygiene regulations.
Current problems in the field of modern ME (continued ) Improving control op: -improvement of legislation -certification of environmentally sensitive sites - mapping of areas based on the location of ecologically important sites -based selection of the zones of observation and control, and a set of indicators of the environment. -social and health monitoring
Current problems in the field of modern ME (continued) Fundamental studies on the pathogenetic mechanisms of the body of modern op search tools and methods for correcting the changes that are already in the body of modern human populations
Current Challenges to Modern ME (continued ) Valuing op contemporary factors on the health of the population (the problems of environmental epidemiology) Develop activities for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of environment- related diseases
The main problems of environmental epidemiology Identification of the frequency of various forms of pathology factors op study of changes in the clinical features of the disease in the present conditions Development of new approaches to diagnosis, treatment and prevention of environmentally related diseases
Role of TMA in the development of problems ecology GENERAL scientific problems, developed TMA - "Ecology and Health" In the development of the problem involves all departments and divisions TMA