Particle Physics Masterclasses for WYP05 Michael Kobel Uni Bonn EPOG meeting, Vienna,
workshop exercises Hep Physiker Schülerworkshops workshop exercises Hep Physiker Schülerworkshops OPALOPAL, (Manchester) Identification of Particles and Events Measurement of Z branching ratios Identity of e, mu, tau 5 quarks in 3 charge states, each Bonn: partial translationpartial translation, excel analysis tool AlephAleph, (Lancaster) Laws of collision e+e- annihilation Particles in an magnetic field momentum messung Event classes
Suggestion for EPOG 2005 WYP activity Masterclasses (MC) at universities / research centres in all countries One or more MCs in each country (30-50 students each) Same program, possibly with events from different experiments Whole activity w/in 2 weeks 4-6 masterclasses join in video conference at the end of the day Discuss results and differences Combine results (better accuracy) Maybe final video conference at end of the two weeks Financing: EPS HEPP board (M. Spiro et al), *very* rough guess No cost: University/ research centre infrastructure (video conf, PCs, lecture halls) Scientists Copies for work sheets „salary“ for student tutors (40€ x 5 tutors = 200 €) lunch / refreshments for participants (50 x 5€ = 250 €) Printed material / CD to take home (50 x 4 € = 200 €) Total: 40 MCs x 650 € = 26,000 € + central planning: 30,000 €
Typical Agenda: morning LECTURE HALL 9:30 Welcome: The World Year of Physics 2005, and the WYP Masterclasses 10:00 First Lecture: Preparation for the afternoon PC Exercise 1 Particle Physics, Accelerators, Detectors, Standard Model: Building Blocks and Forces. Discussion 11:00 Second Lecture: (free choice, typically related to the institutes activities) e.g. more details on one special particle physics experiment, particle physics and cosmology, spin-off effects of particle physics etc. Discussion 12:00 Local Information: (optional) e.g. facts about the lab, or information about studying physics CANTINE 12:30 – 14:00 Lunch including informal discussions with lecturers and student tutors
Typical Agenda: afternoon PC Pool (and Lab) 14:00 – 16:00 PC Exercise 1: Measuring Z branching ratios at LEP 14:00 Introduction 14:30 Students working in pairs themselves at the PC 15:30 Collection of results, discussion and interpretation Short Pause with refreshments 16:00 – 17:30 Free session, chose one from the following - PC Exercise 2: e.g.Lancaster teaching system - Lab experiment: Cosmic ray measurements with the “Kamiokanne” - Ask a scientist: Open Q&A forum about big bang and particle physics - Guided Tour through the Lab Video Room 17:30 Daily European Video Conference Introduction of participants (typically 4-6 classes) Sharing Experiences Combining Results on Z branching ratios Discussion, maybe some competition -> winner? 18:30 END, souvenir distribution: e.g. brochures, CDs, T-shirts…
EOI to EPS HEPP Board End of April 2003 : EOI to EPS Hepp Board with cost estimate of 30,000 k€ (copy has been sent to EPOG members) Answer in May 2003 Dear Michael, This is an excellent initiative and the EPS is proud that you would like us to be involved. Of course, financial support is available and if necessary, we are also willing to cooperate in finding funds from other sources. Best regards, Michel Spiro
Special Idea in Germany Initiate a high school student competition 15 winners (5 times 3) will win travel and accomodation for a masterclass at following centres DESY Hamburg DESY Zeuthen GSI Darmstadt Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe CERN funding for this (about 4000 €) applied for at BMBF
Current status Excel overviewExcel overview: already > 40 institutes, 13(+2+?) countries participating some big countries „Yes“ (I,UK) but no details yet need to: fix date fix maximum number of institutes budget talk about extra money budget travel costs of students w/ larger distance (200€, 1 country) money for speakers (250 €, 1 country) video costs (350 €, 1 country), TCPIP has no extra costs (!), ISDN has copies (50 €, 1 institute) possible weeks: (incl. Saturday of second week for a final video conf?) I) Monday, March 7 – Friday March 18 week 10 and 11 (March preferred by 5 countries, disfavored by 0) (big central German WYP event Berlin: Fr, March4 – Wed, March 9 easter Friday is in week 12) II) Monday, september 26- Friday october 7 week 39 and 40 September disfavored by several countries (A,B,HU,PL) school autumn holidays? (D: weeks 40-42) III) Monday, october 3- Friday, october 14 week 40 and 41 (Oct. preferred by 3 countries, disfavored by 2) Term at many universities starts October 10 lecture halls? school autumn holidays Brandenburg week 40+41, NRW 41+42) October still disfavored by NL,PL(??)