Evolutionary Algorithms Kendra Xiao 2015/10/16
Content Background 1 2 Solution /10/16 Problem
Background 2015/10/16 History 1859 Charles Darwin 「 On the origin of species 」 1950s origination 1960s developments Applications to solve multi-dimensional problems more efficiently to obtain the optimal solution to optimize the design of systems and so on…
Termination Parent selection Parents Offspring Crossover Mutation Survival selection Fitness Function Initialization Population representation
Problem 2015/10/16 How to improve the search efficiency? How to achieve an efficient balance between exploration and exploitation ?
Solution ► To investigate the dynamics of fundamental evolutionary optimization algorithm. ► To fit a truncated power-law to the search area data and test the goodness-of-fit. ► The Lévy-type search emerges from the efficient search process. ► The Brownian dynamics occurs after the algorithm has stagnated. Statistic methods P-value AIC method
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