1 Belgorod, 16/10/2015 HELMHOLTZ ASSOCIATION Dr. Elena Eremenko
HELMHOLTZ MISSION Strategic research for grand challenges with cutting-edge research Think big, act big: Developing and operating complex infrastructure and large-scale facilities for the national and international scientific community Creating wealth for society and industry through transfer of knowledge and technology PAGE 2
GERMAN RESEARCH ORGANISATIONS (actual costs 2012) PAGE Leibniz Association Long-term research topics Fraunhofer Society Industry-oriented research and development Max Planck Society Pure basic research 1831, ** Helmholtz Association Use-inspired basic research with strategic programmes Centres/ Institutes Staff in FTE* Budget/ Billion€ Source: GWK Monitoring Report 2013 Joint Initiative for Innovation and Research *Staff in working hours (full-time equivalent) **excluding project sponsorships, project management agencies and other revenues
HERMANN VON HELMHOLTZ His name is our mission Commitment to interdisciplinary research A sense for the practical: Contribution to creating wealth Founding President of the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt: Effective management of large-scale research PAGE 4 Hermann von Helmholtz (1821 – 1894)
RESEARCH FIELD ENERGY PAGE 6 Solar-thermal power stations Bioliq pilot plant Geothermal pilot plant CO 2 separation with membranes and CO 2 sequestration Nuclear fusion (ITER) SOLHYCO/DLR ASDEX UPGRADE/IPP
RESEARCH FIELD EARTH & ENVIRONMENT PAGE 7 Polar research with the ice- breaker Polarstern and the Neumayer Station Earth observation with satellites Understanding atmospheric changes with the HALO aircraft The climate initiative REKLIM and Regional Climate Offices Polarstern/AWI HALO/DLR
RESEARCH FIELD HEALTH PAGE 8 Disease prevention and personal risk assessment Translational research Nationales Zentrum für Tumorerkrankungen (NCT) Heidelberg Experimental and Clinical Research Centre (ECRC), Berlin TWINCORE, Braunschweig German Centres of Health Research Helmholtz Cohort Nobel Laureat Prof. Harald zur Hausen/DKFZ
KEY TECHNOLOGIES PAGE 9 Scientific computing using the supercomputers JUGENE and JUROPA Nanotechnology Information technology Materials research for energy storage JUGENE/FZJ Nobel Laureat Prof. Peter Grünberg, Forschungszentrum Jülich/ Helmholtz
RESEARCH FIELD STRUCTURE OF MATTER PAGE 10 European XFEL: Films from the nanocosmos Pilot plant FLASH FAIR: Understanding the secrets of matter Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN HADES-Detektor/GSI DESY
RESEARCH FIELD AERONAUTICS, SPACE AND TRANSPORT PAGE 11 Columbus space lab at the International Space Station ISS Earth observation with satellites (optic, radar, thermal) of different resolution (e.g. Terra-SAR and TanDEM-X) Communication networks for air and road traffic German Space Operations Center Oberpfaffenhofen /DLR Radar satellite TanDEM-X/DLR
FACTS AND FIGURES 35,672 Staff (status as of 2012) 12,709 scientists & engineers 6,635 PhD students 1,652 vocational trainees Budget 2014: €3.8 billion €2.58 bn (budget approach*): Institutional funding (90% federal, 10% state) €1.04 bn: Third-party funding* (based on actual costs 2012) €0.13 bn: Special Financing PAGE 12 *including contracts of project management agencies and other revenues, excluding project sponsorships totalling about €138 M
HELMHOLTZ CENTRES PAGE 14 Helmholtz Centre Branch of a Helmholtz Centre Helmholtz Head Office Helmholtz Institute Ulm Dresden Ulm Freiberg Kiel
BROAD VARIETY OF STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS 296 joint professorships with universities Promoting joint initiatives through: 15 Helmholtz Alliances + 5 Energy Alliances 5 Helmholtz Institutes 110 Virtual Institutes 164 Helmholtz Young Investigators Groups German Centres of Health Research Merger of university and non-university research centres creates the KIT JARA: Jülich Aachen Research Alliance PAGE 15 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Helmholtz Zentrum München
TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Just under 1,400 licencing agreements generated almost €22 million in income (2012) 80 spin-offs between 2005 and 2012, e.g.: Celitement GmbH, Karlsruhe (produces low-emission-cement) Annually about 2,000 collaborative projects with industry with revenues of €156 m (2012) Portfolio of about 12,000 intellectual property rights, a quarter of it licensed 400 new patents are filed every year Funding instruments Helmholtz Validation Fund, Helmholtz Enterprise and Shared Services Innovation Days as technology and partnering platform Workshops with enterprises (e.g. with Roche in 2012, with IBM in 2013) PAGE 16 Plivio Pore Implant/ForschungszentrumJülich Low emission cement/KIT
HELMHOLTZ INTERNATIONAL Base for new large-scale facilities with international participation, e.g. European XFEL, FAIR Participation in international projects, e.g. ITER Liaison offices in Brussels, Moscow, Beijing Bilateral partnerships around the world 7,765 visiting scientists at Helmholtz Centres PAGE 17
WE PROMOTE TALENT PAGE 18 Training of 6,635 PhD students 34 Helmholtz Graduate Schools and Helmholtz Research Schools 164 Helmholtz Young Investigators Groups with tenure option Helmholtz Management Academy Mentoring 1,652 vocational trainees 25 Helmholtz School Labs Little Scientists’ House Department Solare Energetik/HZB Institute of Groundwater Ecology, Helmholtz Zentrum München
Helmholtz-Russia Joint Research Groups PAGE 19 Since 2006: 5 joint calls “Helmholtz- Russia Joint Research Groups”, a joint program of Helmholtz Association and Russian Foundation for Basic Research Funding per year: 130,000 euros (Helmholtz), 1,200,000 RUB (RFBR) Total funding by Helmholtz: more than 12 million euro Principal Investigator of HRJRG-116 Helmholtz-Russia Joint Research Group-006
Examples of HRJRGs (total 32) HRJRG-025 ECOLINK-Understanding Effects of Environmental Toxicants at Population and Community Levels: A Link Between Ecotoxicological Experiments and Field Observations within Eurasian Climate Scenarios by Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ and Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Anivals, Siberian Branch of RAS (Novosibirsk) HRJRG-110 Seismic Tomography Algorithms for Fundamental and Applied Purposes by Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences and A.A. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of RAS (Novosibirsk) PAGE 20
Examples of HRJRGs (total 32) HRJRG-316 Very high-density peptide arrays by laser-induced particle melting in liquid phase” by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Institute on Laser and Information Technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ILIT RAS) (Moscow) HRJRG-404 Structural properties of carbonate-silicate melts and their effect on fractionation processes in the deep Earth investigated by synchrotron radiation, spectroscopic and ion probe methods by Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences and Institute for Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of RAS (Moscow) PAGE 21
HRJRG-Alumni-Meeting on March 3, 2014 PAGE 22 HRJRG-groups presented the results of their projects IB BMBF, Russian Ministry for Science and Education, DWIH Moscow, FASIE presented their funding programmes Perspectives, impulses and possibilities of further cooperation were discussed Principal Investigator of HRJRG-116
International Conference in Potsdam on April 2-3, 2014 International Scientific Conference “Research on Sustainability – a Russian- German Dialogue” German-Russian Science Talk “Energy and Environment: new challenges for Society, Science and Economy” PAGE 23
MEGASCIENCE and MEGAGRANTS Helmholtz winners of the Russian Megagrants: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Oberst, DLR Prof. Dr. Jörn Thiede, AWI-Director a.D. Prof. Dr. Manfred Thumm, KIT Prof. Dr. Friedrich Wagner, IPP-Director a.D. Prof. Dr. Alexey Ustinov, KIT Helmholtz Science Talk „Russian Megascience Projects: Prospects and Potentials for the German-Russian Research Cooperation“ 2012 in Moscow PAGE 24 Prof. Jürgen Oberst und Direktor von MIIGAiK Helmholtz Science Talk in Moskau
Thank you! Dr. Elena Eremenko Helmholtz Office Moscow Moscow, Malaya Pirogovskaya 5, off. 24 Tel PAGE 25
26 Belgorod, 16/10/2015 HELMHOLTZ ASSOCIATION Dr. Elena Eremenko