BASIC INFORMATION CONSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS 35 years old Natural Born Citizen Live in US 14 Years TRADITIONAL REQUIREMENTS White Males (Except Obama) Protestant (Except JFK) College Educated GENERAL 4 year term 2 term limit (except FDR) $400,000 yearly – life PRESIDENTIAL SUCCESSION Vice-President Speaker of the House President Pro Tempore Cabinet Members ELECTORAL COLLEGE Purpose – Officially Elects the President & Vice-President NUMBERS: 538 Total, 270 to win Each State – Equal to total members in Congress Winner Take All – Majority of Votes in a State – Takes all Electoral Votes. (Except 2 States, Maine & Nebraska) Goals of Foreign Policy National Security – ability to keep nation safe from attack International Trade - provide markets to sell goods Promote World Peace Promote Democracy
ROLES & POWERS OF THE PRESIDENT Chief Executive Enforce laws passed by Congress Issue Executive Orders Create Budget Commander-in-Chief Head of Armed Forces Call out troops War Powers Act – report to Congress within 60 days Chief Diplomat Enter into Treaties Make Executive Agreements Appoint Ambassadors Chief of State Meet with foreign dignitaries Throw out first baseball Easter Egg Hunt Symbolic Leader Economic Leader Prepare the Federal Budget Legislative Leader Introduce legislation State of the Union Address Party Leader Lead political party Support members running for office
Foreign Policy Nation ’ s overall plan for dealing with other countries Executive Agencies & Departments Department of State Department of Defense CIA National Security Council Foreign Policy Vocabulary Treaty – formal agreement between two or more nations. President enters into treaties, must be approved by Senate. Executive Agreement – agreement between President and the leader of another country. Ambassador – appointed by President to represent US in another country. Foreign Aid – money, food, or military assistance given to another country. Limitations – Trade Sanctions & Embargoes
IMPEACHMENT PROCESS Impeachment – The process of bringing formal charges against a public official. According to the Constitution, any public official, including the president, can be impeached and removed from office for treason, bribery, or serious misconduct. 2 Steps of the Impeachment Process 1.House of Representatives – must pass by a majority vote the “ Articles of Impeachment ”. 2.Senate – Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides over the Senate acting as a court. A 2/3 vote of Senators is required to remove an official from public office. 3 Historical Examples 1.Andrew Johnson (Tenure of Office Act) Impeached, not removed 2.Richard Nixon (Watergate Scandal) Resigned before Impeachment 3.Bill Clinton (Perjury) Impeached, not removed