The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide Fixing the River Murray What still needs to be done? IRR Regional Water Conference, Adelaide 28 July 2009 Prof Mike Young Executive Director The Environment Institute Research Chair Water Economics and Management The University of Adelaide
The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide Beyond the Plan What do we need to think about?
The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide National Water Initiative Water that is provided by the States and Territories to meet agreed environmental and other public benefit outcomes... is to: –i) be given statutory recognition and have at least the same degree of security as water access entitlements for consumptive use and be fully accounted for;
A fully -specified sharing system for a regulated river Volume of Water in the System
The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide With half as much water Users Environment River Flow Environment River Flow Users
The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide Climate Change Proofed System Critical Human Needs then Two pools –High security –General/Low security Moving size High Security Pool –10(?) year moving average of allocations
The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide A nested MDA entitlement system Murray below Choke CEWH NSW ACT VIC SA High Security CEWH NSW ACT VIC SA Low Security CIT
Life Impact The University of Adelaide Volume of Water in the System Environmental Water Trusts?
The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide Environmental carry forward The CEWH will need less entitlement if 100% of all allocations can be carried forward Why not go to continuous accounting? –Any allocation less evaporative losses can be carried forward
The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide Investment in new or refurbished infrastructure 69. The Parties agree to ensure that proposals for investment in new or refurbished water infrastructure continue to be assessed as economically viable and ecologically sustainable prior to the investment occurring (noting paragraph 66 (v)). 66 v) full cost recovery for all rural surface and groundwater based systems, recognising that there will be some small community services that will never be economically viable but need to be maintained to meet social and public health obligations:
The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide Infrastructure + buyback $$$$ $8.9b was worth just over $5b When SCRM entitlements worth $9.9b –$4b = 40% of value of entitlements Entitlements now worth around $14.5b –$4b = 27% of value –Could buy 13% at double market value Complete the buy-back this winter?
The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide Stock recovery, if it remains dry? What is the plan to –Refill the wetlands? –Refill groundwater? –Refill lower lakes? –Refill the dams? Is the plan to wait for a flood? Should reconfiguration be contemplated
The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide Groundwater-Surface interaction Risk assignment among systems Tagged trading among systems –Boundaries –Zoning
The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide Concluding comment Australia is very lucky –Our system allows markets to work –We have embraced reform –We are trying to get water management right
Life Impact The University of Adelaide Prof. Mike Young The Environment Institute The University of Adelaide Subscribe to Droplets at