From Chaos Come Resolutions


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Presentation transcript:

From Chaos Come Resolutions a transnational perspective Chryse (Sissy) Hatzichristou, Ph.D. Professor of School Psychology Director of the Center for Research and Practice in School Psychology Department of Psychology University of Athens, Greece

A conceptual framework of the evolution Domain II - Legal issues  Professional practice  State and federal national laws and statutes  Certification-licensure Domain I Role and specialty definition  Professional practice   A conceptual framework of the evolution of school psychology at a transnational level Domain VI  Professional identity Domain III Education / preparation  Accreditation Domain V Scientific foundation for practice Domain IV Scientific and Professional Associations Hatzichristou, 2002

Common Outcomes For School Psychologists: The case of the Greek System Outcomes for Children and Youth Improved social and emotional functioning (mental health) for all children Improved academic competence for all children Outcomes for Families Increased parent/family skills to promote healthy development (parent training programs) Increased family involvement with schools

Outcomes for Schools Improved in-service training for teachers (comprehensive programs-academic and social- emotional domains) Increased implementation of evidence-based prevention and early-intervention programs Outcomes for System Develop model of alternative school psychological services Develop prevention and early-intervention programs Promote conceptualization of multidimensional SP role Promote University-School-Community partnership and collaboration Provide leadership toward a shared agenda

SYSTEMIC –ECOLOGICAL DOMAIN MACRO-LEVEL FACTORS educational system centralized lack of SP services in public schools psychologists employed in 50 public special education schools and private schools foundation of Centers of Diagnosis, Assessment and Intervention lack of clear definition of the specialty

Alternative school psychological services: Development of a model linking theory,research and service delivery Conceptual framework Scientist –practitioner approach in SP Systemic approach (social,cultural/ethnic/national,ecological) in assessment and intervention practices Evolving roles and functions of SPs in research, practice and training Systemic approach of personal and professional development and identity of SPs Hatzichristou,1998

PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES A data-based model ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES A data-based model (Hatzichristou, 1998, in press) PHASE IV Center for Research and Practice in School Psychology Combining theory, research and practice University-Schools-Community Services partnership PHASE III School and community-based needs assessment Perceptions about provision of SP services (teachers, students, parents) PHASE II Profiles of at-risk groups of students with unmet needs data- based model PHASE I Profiles of “average” Greek students (elementary and secondary school) Perceptions, attitudes, causal attributions (teachers, students, parents) concerning academic and psychosocial competence School environment (social, affective domains)

Center for Research and Practice in School Psychology Development of Prevention and Early-Intervention Programs Primary Prevention level Program for the promotion of mental health in schools Program of cross-cultural understanding and support Health education program Secondary Prevention level Multidimensional preventive program in children’s institutions Program of psychosocial support of migrant students Psychosocial support and classroom crisis counseling following natural disasters

Education, pre-service and in-service training New undergraduate and graduate courses at the University (SP, consultation, prevention-intervention programs) Graduate SP students Seminars –supervision (prevention programs) Teachers (in-service training) Seminars (prevention, academic, social-emotional domains) Workshops for the implementation of prevention programs Parents Psychologists, Mental Health Specialists

Implementation of prevention-intervention programs Members of the Center Members of the Center and teachers Teachers (after intensive training) Scientific collaboration , supervision (Center staff) Research –Evaluation Needs-assessment Evaluation (process-outcome) Feedback, Adaptation

School Psychology Infrastructure Research Publications Handbook of School Psychology (in press) Education-training booklets (prevention, crisis intervention) Prevention-programs material Translation into Greek and publication of American text books (consultation, prevention, crisis intervention) Division of SP,Greek Psychological Association Round tables at Conferences Seminars Special SP issue - Psychologia journal, booklets International Collaboration

Domain IV: Scientific and Professional Associations Domain V: Scientific foundation for practice Domain VI: Professional Identity  Closer cooperation of national and international Associations with specific action plans continuing professional development school psychologists  parent education teachers guidelines curriculum-competencies (basic domains, different levels) booklets-educational material organized symposia (during conferences) organized workshops summer school

Cross-cultural, cross-national research studies  Emphasis on multicultural professional development papers with international - cross-cultural data in school psychology courses discussion of findings of relevant studies in other countries in published research papers more papers from different countries published in English scientific journals invitation of scientists and professionals from various countries as guest speakers at regional and national conferences

A proposal… Continuing Professional Development The Futures Conference: An opportunity for a transnational initiative Cross-cultural Educational Curriculum SPs Teachers Parents Task force

SHARING COMMON GOALS... HAVING A VISION A LITTLE FURTHER we will see the almond trees blossoming the marble gleaming in the sun the sea breaking into waves a little further, let us rise a little higher. “Mythistorema” by George Seferis