1. What is the name of Eoin Colfer’s criminal mastermind?
2. In the Percy Jackson series Grover is half man and half which animal?
3. In which conflict is War Horse set?
4. Whose best friend is called Rowley Jefferson?
5. What is the title of the prequel to the Alex Rider books which was published last year?
6. Which series of books features the character China Sorrows?
7. Name the books in the trilogy by Suzanne Collins
8. Which author writes about the characters Rocket, Wolfie and Hey-Ho?
9. Who are Maddy, Liam and Sal?
10. In Divergent which faction always wears the colour blue? (a) Dauntless (b) Erudite (c) Candor (d) Abnegatia (e) Amity
11. Which international best- selling author writes about Theodore Boone?
12. Who writes about Agent 21?
13. What does H.I.V.E. stand for?
14. Who was the 16 year old girl that volunteered to take her sister Prim’s place?
15. In the first Bodyguard book by Chris Bradford who does Connor have to protect? (a) The Prime Minister’s daughter (b) The President of the USA’s daughter (c) A teenage superstar
16. Who is the author, with a very famous brother, whose first book is ‘Crypt’?
17. What is the next book in this series written by Charlie Higson? The Enemy The Dead ????
18. In the Maze Runner what does WICKED stand for? (a) World in Chaos Killing Experiment Department (b) World in Chaos Killzone Experiment Department (c) World in Catastrophe Killzone Department
19. Fill in the missing word from these book titles: Split _______ by Sophie McKenzie Boys Don’t _______ by Malorie Blackman Out of this _______ by Ali Sparkes
20. In the series of books by Ally Carter what is the name of the school Cammie attends?
21. Who am I? I left my home planet of Lorien when was very young with my guardian Henri. I have a dog called Bernie Kosar.
22. Divergent is set in which city? (a) Pittsburgh (b) New York (c) Chicago (d) Miami
23. When they first meet, which actress does Gus compare Hazel to? (a) Audrey Hepburn (b) Natalie Portman (c) Scarlett Johansson (d) Sienna Miller