1 The influence of political factors on Russian-Finnish economic relations Dr. Valery A. Shlyamin, Trade representative of Russia in Finland Savonlinna,
SUCCESSFUL BILATERAL PROJECTS 2 Ore-dressing complex in Kostomuksha ( ) Nuclear power plant in Loviisa ( )
SUCCESSFUL BILATERAL PROJECTS 3 Svetogorsk pulp and paper mill ( ) Deep-diving submersible «Mir» ( )
Real GDP growth rate in (%) Total investments, % to GDP * - forecast Source: IMF, Ministry of Finance of Finland, Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
5 Russian-Finnish trade in goods * - estimate by the Trade representation of Russia in Finland Source: Federal Customs Service, 2015 Bln. USD
Russian foreign trade growth rate (2005=100%) 6 USA EU Finland Source: Federal Customs Service, 2015
Russian foreign trade in August 2014 – May with Finland Exports to Russia – down by 36.7% Share in the Russian imports – down by 0.2 p.p. (from 2.1% to 1.9%) with EU Exports to Russia – down by 31.1% Share in the Russian imports – down by 2.9 p.p. (from 42.5% to 39.6%) with USA Exports to Russia – down by 20.7% Share in the Russian imports – up by 0.5 p.p. (from 5.9% to 6.4%) Source: Federal Customs Service, 2015
Perspective directions and projects of the Russian-Finnish economic cooperation Arctic technologies including special shipbuilding e.g. Construction of ice-class vessels at the Helsinki Ship Yard under Russian and Finnish orders Energy, energy efficiency and cleantech e.g. Nuclear power station project Hanhikivi-1 by Rosatom Bio-Medical sphere, ICT, Photonics, Biotechnologies There are a number of joint initiatives e.g. Joint development and construction of robots and there components, including surgery robot complex
999 EuroRussia Forum Secretariat Banks Insurance companies Funds Banks Insurance companies Funds Office of the Representative of the President in the North-West Federal District ; Russian Officials Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs; Finnish Officials ALAKURTTI Technological park Yanino logistics center Vyborg enterprise network Ladoga region technological park ”Nature” enterprise network Svetogorsk-Imatra Technological park «EuroRussia» Forum – perspective project of the Russian-Finnish state-private partnership
10 Thank you for attention!