National Policy Issues Updates
Regulations The Paradigm : When Congress introduces a bill, it is very unlikely to become law. On the flip side, when federal agencies propose a regulation, it is likely to take affect and can have a major impact on your personal, family, business and community life. The three most attention-getting regulations the last four months in Washington are: 1-Net Neutrality/Broadband - 791,823 comments 2-Power Plant Emissions - 31,856 comments 3-Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) – 9,174 comments The Grange is involved in all three proposed regulations!
Other Grange-Active Regulations Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) Postal Service Cuts Health Insurance Tax (HIT) Medicare Part D Medicare Part B Rare and High Cost Drugs (340B) Pipelines (Rover, Dakota Access, Mariner East) Government overregulation